
Okay. So a blog is, like, this diary thing, or whatever. And people write in them, and there are lots of words. Normally. It's cold these days, which is why we have space heaters. Maybe I should aim one this-a-way, yah?

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Read blog, learn

Saturday, September 25, 2004

K,k,k,k,k,k,keeeee.(The II)

YAERRGG!! I had this whole friggin HUGE post done. With all sorts of informative crap. But now it's GONE!!
I think I'm gonna cry...

Oh, well. to make up for this loss. I'll just tell you about my day...sigh.
Poor, newborn baby post. Before we get started lets all have a moment of silence for"K,k,k,k,k,k,keeeee.(The I)" . . . . . . . . .

Now for the weather.
Today, I woke up, and then went back to bed. Then I woke up, had some breakfast, did some math and bit of history, and then went back to bed. Then I woke up, did the rest of my school work (including two history tests) and went about my daily routine. Which normally consists of lounging around waiting to see what everyone else does. And maybe some house work.

But today was special. I finished a game today, a couple characters went on a date in my head, and I wrote this blog thing. Twice.. Not exactly identical the second time. And if I ever find out who did in my original I swear, by the sweat on my palm, they will pay.

And just to keep some of the original post with us. Remeber, stupid people can, and will make your head hurt. And always use "poppyfish".

Saturday, September 18, 2004

"Blog" and "Becca-isms" start with the same letter.

Hello, class. My name is Miss Becca. Can you say "Miss Becca"? I didn't think so. Today we're going to learn how to make Becca-isms!
Now today is our first day, so it's bound to be boring please bear with me. Now then let's start out with a story.

Once upon a time...
There once was a kingdom called the Apple Kingdom, where everybody lived nice happy lives with the rest of their apple families. Oh, the kingdom was prosperous and many sought to claim it's great many riches.

But that's not what the evil man I'll be telling you about did...

No, see this man was hungry. Very hungry. So, he decided to make apple sauce.
Of course, this would be most painfull for the citizens, so they had to decline.
But, he came in and did it anyway! That's right, that bad, bad man came in with a applesauce maker(R.), (A evil tool used to make applesauce.) and mashed up every woman, man, and itty, bitty baby...Now how will caretakers make a living?
But returning to our story. Oh, there was fear throughout the land.

Until one day, a hero came.
Now, this hero was a great, and powerful, and possibly even sexy man. And he took his sword, and he hacked and slashed, and hacked and slashed. Until that bad man... had to get a band-aid.
And the people loved this man.

And it came to pass, that the hero, one day, found himself very hungry. So, he decided he wanted apple sauce too. So, he joined with this very bad, and maybe even distinguished, man to mash more apples.
And they hacked and slashed. And slashed and hacked. And mashed, and mished, and moshed, until all the apples were gone. That really sucks.

And once they'd eaten their fill, they didn't know what to do with all the apple sauce.
So, they thought, and they thought and they thought. And then they thought some more.
Then they decided it was lunch time. (Poor baby apples) Then it hit them. They could make a killing off this stuff! So, they sold it, every last bit. Every woman, man and child. (Or at least what was left...) And indeed they made a killing. In fact, some one assasinated one of them to get to the fortune.
And you know what? I think I changed fonts half way through.

Well, that's all we have time for this week class. Toon in next week, when we learn how to be sarcastic.