
Okay. So a blog is, like, this diary thing, or whatever. And people write in them, and there are lots of words. Normally. It's cold these days, which is why we have space heaters. Maybe I should aim one this-a-way, yah?

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Location: The town I live in, which exists in my home country., United States

Read blog, learn

Sunday, October 31, 2004

Halloween: And the masquerading evil ninja person.

Today was Halloween. Was being because I'm writing this at nearly midnight, and by the time I finish it won't be Halloween. It'll be November. But, that's another subject. Today, I dressed up. In more then one place! I dressed up on the internet, and I dressed up here. My sister also wanted an ocumpaning story to go with a picture, so you'll also be seeing that later. But first... Lately I've been getting into this one site, it's known as Gaia Online. Well, on this site there are little avatars you can dress up. And mine was wearing a costume. It's almost entirely made out of my sister’s clothes. Provided I can get it to work, I'll show you a picture.

And an extra. This was in the dressing room, cause I was only trying on the hat.

"KING TRITON!" So it is said.Well, that about covers the avatar. Now on to the real pics. This year, I dressed up as Cousin It!

No, really. I actually had a real costume. It was slapped together, it was last minute, and it looked better then any costume I've had thus far. And it looked a something like this.

......Not that one.


Kinda grainy, no? I'll see if I can come up with a clearer one.

Well? Can't make it much clearer, it was taken with a phone. But here's one I took myself!

Well so far it's been nothing but pictures! And I promised you a story. Hmm. Better get to work on that. Now let’s see. Once upon a time, there was this girl.And she wanted so very much to go to the masquerade.“Sure would be nice.” She thought, dreamily gazing into the sky.

Then, an angel came out of the sky.

And it landed on her bed. And then she asked it; "Are you my fairy godmother?"
And it said..Nothing! It's a panda, it can't talk! But, it did give her a gift.

Isn't it nice?

So, she tried it on. Wow, it fit! Comfortably even. But it was missing something. So, she pulled a scarf out of her drawer, or is it a box, and put it over her mouth. "It looks a bit like a ninja. But that doesn’t matter."
After that, it was time to sneak into the party. Do ask me why she had to sneak, it's just the way the story progresses. Plus, I wanted to add this photo.

Then she..Oh, my! It appears we've run out of time. Come back next week, and I might finish the story.

Monday, October 18, 2004

Slow Day.

Hello everybody. Today, I'm a little uninspired. So, I've decided to take a self-class on talking slower. And if you could see how slow I actually type, you'd see that I'm not to far from reaching my goal. Of course talking is a whole other matter.

It's not like I talk rapidly, in unnecessarily high pitched tones, repeating "repeating" every "every" word. Five times...
Yah. Anyway, my problem is that when I get to rambling I can easily do an average of about two whole sentences before stopping having to breath. See, their's a trick there. One sentence on the inhale, two on the exhale. You can go on like that for a good long while. Without turning purple even!..I like purple.

This just in. Today my mother has informed me that my grammar, spelling and puncuation are..less then they could be. Okay, so she went right out and said they suck. Suck what? Well that'd take a whole other conversation. One involving birds, and bees, and those little lollipops you get in those assortment packets.

...As I was saying, before the turkey dinner(?), today is a slow day. So slow, in fact, that my train of thought took off without me. But worry not! This happens all the time. Then I just sit there like..Um..uh..What was I say again?

Time for a song.
Yah, yah.
Some kind of lyrics.
Yah, yah.
For soul and the spirit.
Yah, yah.
I don't have anymore to this song.

Yah. That happens to me a lot too. Which reminds me of this parody I was doing on Knights in White Satin. It involved this one character, in this one restaurant. And it had Red Satin Seats. Thus Seats of Red Satin was born. But I doubt it'll ever be big. I only made the first verse!

And somewhere else in the universe.
Hello class. Today where going to learn how to abolish internet misspelling. We'll start with this innocent looking error right here.
Doesn't that just drive you out of your skull! And that would hurt, cause without your skull your brain would be exposed to lots of hazards, and bacteria. And that wouldn't feel very good, now would it. As we where. Now take this (squirt?) gun full of some kind of harmful acid that'll instantly kill the misspeller. Ready, aim..Oh my, you've poured it on yourself! That must be dreadfully painful. Oh, well. Children, let us use this as a GOOD lesson, listen to our parent, and not play with weapons. (Fake smile)

Meanwhile back in the former part of the universe.
Yah. I know. I'm being a hypocrite. Deliberately misspelling, repeating words, and even using that SMILE. I have a sister who keeps making a character do that. Those fake smiles, they drive me crazy. Yah. I suppose it's safe to assume that "Yah" is phrase of the day...Yah......
To many dots...

This weeks isn't very long. But, what do you expect. It's a slow day, It's about 8 in the morning (Even earlier when I started.), and I am not a morning person. I'm one of those people that feels comfortable sleeping till noon. A habit I should get out of. Kind of like brushing my teeth! No, that's backwards...Toothrot, use it.
A lot of over fragmented paragraphs..

I just remembered, I was going to show you all my random word generator. You know those programs you can find on the internet, and stuff? You know, the ones where you push a button and it pops out with a random phrase like: "You have my cat-monkey's shoe." Yah, those.
Well, long before there was the internet, or even computers, there was the original Random Word generator. The human brain. Now this advanced piece of natural science could not only put together random words, but could also..Trying to remember..Ah, yes. It could also create new words. For example: "Popyfish, to the cat-mobile. The phrase finder is in need of a Jello vendini. Away, arah!"
Well? Fun, no? You should try it some time. Now, I'm going to play with it some more.

"Open the catwalk, the aderwalk! There's no excuse for Pearlina's toad to act that way! It' catrustonic! Open Van Disel! I can't stand muffin heads. They make my toe's cat's aching tooth do the hammer walk."
You'll note that if you do this right you can be grammatically correct, and still totally random. Of course, my grammer'll never pass that test..Well, maybe. I suddenly craving Taco Bell. Not the food, just the place..No, I had a sudden craving for a taco and burrito. Mmm. I haven't eaten yet, and I've been up since about 6. The sun is now coming up, I think my mom just got out of the shower, and I'm no closer to having that burrito. Mmm. Hmm.

Now for another song! The World Wide Web theme.
Doom, doom doom, doom, doom, doom, doom!
Doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, DOOM!
Dun, dun, dun, DUN!

Yah. So, I'm going to end. It was before 8 when I last checked. And now, it's 8:20. So, no more blog..Not today..Bye.

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

The World Wide Web

So, I was talkimg with my mom one day. When I came across this incredible idea! I was thinking of how big a spider it would take to make a world wide web. Mom said "About the size of Africa."
She later corrected herself by saying it'd actually be closer to the size of Australia.
But, anyway. I was thinking about what kind of horror flik that would make.

So, you'd have these people, and this giant spider. And this spider would go around trying to make this world wide web. Of course, we couldn't fit a spider the size of Australia in a sound stage. So, we'd just take a big plastic spider and move it around a map. We'd use all these little teeny, tiny boats. And we'd make them attack it. But the spider would prevail!

And for the scenes where we show real people, we'd just film real actors and have a big giant spider leg being moved around the sound stage. Then we'd have some dialog, then the spider leg going "Doom!". And then some more dialog, then the leg with dramatic music, going "Doom!". Then the people, and screeming, and the leg going "Doom! Doom, doom doom doom." Oh, no!

Then the people would have this big mecha godzilla type thing the size of two skyscrapers!
And we'd have this clip with the mecha going, "Dun, dun, dun." And then this clip of the spiders leg going, "Doom, doom, doom." Then "Dun, dun, dun.", and "Doom, doom, doom. "Dun, dun, dun." "Doom, doom, doom." Then the mecha would be all, like, charging forward. And the spider leg would just go "Kick!" And then the mecha would go all "Splat!"

Then we'd have another clip on the map, with the plastic spider and the teeny, tiny boats. And they would be all shooting off their itty, bitty missles. And it wouldn't even phase it, it'd just run through. Then after making it's big web they'd be sending little space-ships at it from this one space station. And they'd be all flying at it, except they all get caught in the web.
Then the spider would just come up to them, in their teeny, tiny space-ships. And it'd wrap 'em all up. And then it would go "Shlluurp!" And yeah, the world be all caught. Spider prevails!

And I'd call it The World Wide Web.
Very campy movie.
I might make it some day.
Maybe next week.

Sunday, October 03, 2004

Character Appreciation Week

Today is Character Appreciation Week. And for that we're going to show our appreciation for characters by telling you all about one.

Now this one I'm going to tell you about is one I made up when I was about eight. Or ten..Hmm.
Anyway, this one character has really green hair. It used to be blond, but I dyed it green. With a bingo marker even! Wha- No! That's not what I was going to tell you about him.

Let's start again. He was originally born as some sort of plant-type\monster-man-thingy. And the rest of his people died somehow. Well, most of them anyway. And he was adopted by this one girls parents. And this one girl knew a young man. He was a sailor. She liked sailors, so the boy (not the sailor one, the plant one) went out to become a sailor. But, she also died. Which was sad, because both boys had a crush on her.

The sailor guy sailed off and got a weird curse put on him and the rest of the crew by a mermaid type thing. This curse made him immortal, but he couldn't age. (Physically, not mentally.) So this slowly drove him insane. But, that's another story, which I might get around to telling you eventually.

But, back to the other guy. I think he also sailed somewhere and got himself killed. But I haven't really thought that much about that part. 'Cause that was just his background story. The real story begins when you see him reincarnated as this other blond guy. For some reason he was born with his inborn abilities from the former life. The ability to sort "sprout" blades out of his arms. Later on he gets the ability to make full body armor, but well get to that. Maybe.

When we next see him, he's traveling around with this one girl that treats him as a slave\bodyguard. She might or might not have a crush on him. But he hates her. Now they wander around, going on adventures the likes of which would take days to write up. But, in the end he died again.

In his next life, the girl that he was traveling with before finds him. And they go off again. Except this time she doesn't really have a crush on him at all. She has a crush on this other woman. He, on the other hand, starts getting jealous. This is weird, cause he still hates her. Then these other guys come up along with a couple girls. And they all decide to like the same girl. Except for the other girl. By this point he doesn't about the girl he came with, and she's still head-over-heels for the first girl. And all sorts of trouble happens. And then he dies again.

This time, he's reincarnated as a slightly quieter version of himself. And instead of running into the girl, (the one that treats him like a slave) she kidnaps him as a baby and is now raising him herself. Not sure why she did it, she just did. The same process repeats it's self, he dies again and then it's time to switch stories.

In this story, he's still a plant like creature. But instead of continuously dying and coming back, he's already dead and walks around as a ghost. When he first shows up. This two girls are fighting. And kinda walks between them. That's their first meeting. Eventually he ends up traveling with them. One of the girls has a crush on him. The other has a crush on her boss. They both argue a lot.

Then this one guy comes up from the depths of hell to take him back. Or maybe he just came from the underworld, but it was some sort of world of the dead. But he says no. And so now they have this devil type character following them. And so they trek on. They have all sorts of adventures, and do all sorts of things. Most of them child appropriate. But, as all adventures must, this one came to an end. And then you don't see him in the story for a while. Don't get me wrong, the story's not over yet. He was just never the mane focus in the first place.

Other then a few cameos, he doesn't show up again until much later. This time he's working for the ruler of underworld. And he was sent on a top secret mission. A mission to kill a god.

So he sets off on his mission, meets a few people and goes on a long journey. One of the people he meets is the daughter of the god he's supposed to kill. They're totally hot for each other. (Him and the girl) But she doesn't know that he's out to kill her dad. See, she's out to find her dad, so she can talk with him, and live with him.

Anyway, the journey continues. Eventually they find the god. They character we've been talking about all this time charges at him. He dodges, does a weird hand thing, (most likely a snap) and our chosen character comes back to life. He even gets his body restored to the way it was before he died. This makes him happy on a few levels. He doesn't have to kill the one guy, he doesn't have to work for his anymore, and he's alive enough to get together with whatever hot chick he wants.

Later on, he's chosen to live as mercenary type of thing. He seems to enjoy that enough. He also Marries the one girl he was totally hot for. Then they have two nice kids that eventually grow up and have kids of their own.

Their daughter grows up, gets married, and waits around the house for her husband to come home. Suck. Her daughter becomes a knight.

Their son runs off with his girl friend and becomes a thief. Ookay. Their three son do the same. Well, maybe one of them becomes a pimp, but that's not child appropriate. So, let's not do that. Their daughter joins a group of pirates.

But that was just two worlds this character has appeared in. He's briefly showed up in others. But I don't fell like writing that much. So, I guess we're done for the day. See you next week!

(How many people read this anyway?)