
Okay. So a blog is, like, this diary thing, or whatever. And people write in them, and there are lots of words. Normally. It's cold these days, which is why we have space heaters. Maybe I should aim one this-a-way, yah?

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Location: The town I live in, which exists in my home country., United States

Read blog, learn

Friday, November 26, 2004

New Record! Shortest Post in History!

Well, history of this blog.

How many letters are in the word brain, and how many brains did it take to assign that many letters to it?

Please comment.......

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Ode to Food.

And then the alien ate a hamburger. Let us all salute the hamburger. Mooooooooo...MOOOOOOO....MOOOOOOOOOOO....
I'm acttually listening to some really cool music right now. It sounds like..You can't here it?..

Let's look at a world atlas. Over here is Africa, and over here is China. And right here is Mt. Rainer, home of the Man- eating Moose. This Moose, it'll come out of the shadows and eat small children who don't listen to there parents. Especially small children named-Ugh! Oh, glitch-fonk.

More syrup!
Cowdy, Cowdy. They're far to rowdy.
Things are getting a little loudy.
If they're good them a howdy.
If they eat you, get out of there now-dy.

Open the book, and open the sky.
Magical Bugs are very so nigh.
It could be your visions are caused by a high.
But if it still wasn't they might as well try.

Climb the tree to the squirrle filled book.
Open your heart and read in the nook.
When the clock strikes, I shall move the rook.
To herald the angel who once was the crook.

Maple trees have skinned knees.
But broken bones may sunder.
Crash! With ones and twos and threes.
Toll the rolling thunder.

....... I feel like singing. That was actually quite refreshing. Don't know what came over me, but t'was refeshing anyway. 'K? 'K. So....Give me a minute to think here.....

Eeeeyyaaaaaagh.....Space fingers. You really can't feel them but they tickle me to pain. But not this time. But yah. I've got a lot of buts here. ...No pun intended...Let's not go there.
I'm running out of ideas here...So, let's make up names.
Like Bookaboo, Rude-Buttkiss, and BradBrianButch. Too many "B"s here. But before we change letters, ah, topics I'd like to tell you about Butch.

Butch is a squirrle, a little brown squirrle. He's owned by a little boy that likes the name Butch, and squirrles. Butch spends most of the day in a cage, except for when he's on someones shoulder. Then he's..on a shoul..der..Yah. Okay. Enough about Butch.

Enough about Blog, come back later. In a week, ir two. But first, the obligitory quote.

"Thank you, I shall repay you. Unless I cannot find you or else I forget."
Shrek 2

Saturday, November 20, 2004

Frozen Solid: Icecream Sundae.

These passed few days I've been frozen solid. So solid that I had to actually move just to keep my heart beating. I had to make sure that my chest was moving up and down, up and..Oh, wait a minute. It does that anyway. Okay never mind. But it has been cold.
I was supposed to do a story. But, it's cold and I'm preoccupied. I just wanted to thaw out the blog.
See the giant heater? Yah, that's what it's for. Man, I wish I had one of these at home. I'm turning it on now....Okay, maybe I don't want one. So, I'm just gonna let the blog grill. And I'll probab;y be back some timr later today...Or this week...Yah.