
Okay. So a blog is, like, this diary thing, or whatever. And people write in them, and there are lots of words. Normally. It's cold these days, which is why we have space heaters. Maybe I should aim one this-a-way, yah?

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Location: The town I live in, which exists in my home country., United States

Read blog, learn

Thursday, December 30, 2004

Bringing Freedom of Speech to a New Level.

Fight! Fight with me against the system! Don't you all see it? English Home work. It's stunting the Evolution of the English Language! By teaching people about "Proper Grammer" and "Good English" they're slowing down the evolution of language. Do you really think the men who created your modern language wanted it's growth to end at that? Come and Join in the Fight!
Leave your school books and join with me. For the sake of our languages future!

Brought to you by the "Why the heck do I have to do school work!" Asociation. Copyright of absoluty no one. All other ideas or Blah Blah may be posted next week or in some other demension. Offer void in non English speaking countries.

Wednesday, December 22, 2004


MY GAWD! Is that on there TWICE!? Never, never ever take that as an example kids. It makes your cat scared, you mom dance, and the cow jump over the moon.

Enter title here.

Today we acknowledge that computers funk out. While I was doing something on the web, my computer funked out. Super..Duper..Sigh....So, I'm making a post. I can't think of WHAT to post, but I'm posting anyway.....sigh..

It is now two days to Christmas Eve. I'm not sure wether or not to anticipate or dread it. I feel like the Grinc. I've lost the meaning of the holiday amongts the noise. I love this holiday, the meaning behind it, the activities, the company....but I can't seem to..I don't know........My grammer is terrible today.

You know, it just acured to me that I'm treating this blog like a real journal right now. It's weird. Remind me not to do that again....And remember, the key to your heart is mixed in with your house key. Be sure not to get them mixed up. Your signifigant other'll take less of your stuff....Adeiu.

Today we acknowledge that computers funk out. While I was doing something on the web, my computer funked out. Super..Duper..Sigh....So, I'm making a post. I can't think of WHAT to post, but I'm posting anyway.....sigh..

It is now two days to Christmas Eve. I'm not sure wether or not to anticipate or dread it. I feel like the Grinc. I've lost the meaning of the holiday amongts the noise. I love this holiday, the meaning behind it, the activities, the company....but I can't seem to..I don't know........My grammer is terrible today.

You know, it just acured to me that I'm treating this blog like a real journal right now. It's weird. Remind me not to do that again....And remember, the key to your heart is mixed in with your house key. Be sure not to get them mixed up. Your signifigant other'll take less of your stuff....Adeiu.

Saturday, December 18, 2004

The First Few Days Before Christmas.

Twas the Week Before Christmas
And all through the mall
Not a store had it's merchandise
Not even a doll

The presents were all bought
and wrapped up with care
in hopes that there genirosity
soon would be shared.

I made this up while christmas shopping. I couldn't think of anymore. But here's one my sister came up with while eating.

Sugar Bells
Sugar Bells
Great for eating with Christmas Dinner
They can't ring
Not even on Christmas Day.

I can't think of anymore. It's sad. My brains been broken since last night.

YARG!!! !! ! Extra exclamation points.

Please, please, please, please, PLEASE Comment. I'll try to continue this post later.

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

GOD WARS! Super giant Gaming fun.

I've had this thing I've been doing. It started out when I was real small, well maybe not that small. But anyway, I was pretty young. And it was about these people that went around savingthe world. But that's irrelivent. I'm not telling you the story, or telling you about the characters.

I made a game and I put it on Gaia. It's on Gaia because I didn't make it table top. That's not a reason, but it works. I was going to tell you about it in a series of blogs. One peice the first day, the other the next. But that big. bad, nasty 'ol mom said NO. Oh, well. Life sucks, sing a song about it. .....
So, I'm sending you the link. Or posting it...However that works. And I guess I speak in fragment sentences. It's a bit of a long read, but read anyway.

....Even if it does take till next week...

(I made the map.
It's a piece of crap.
I could use lessons on rap.)