
Okay. So a blog is, like, this diary thing, or whatever. And people write in them, and there are lots of words. Normally. It's cold these days, which is why we have space heaters. Maybe I should aim one this-a-way, yah?

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Location: The town I live in, which exists in my home country., United States

Read blog, learn

Sunday, January 16, 2005

There's a problem

I had an idea for what I was going to put up this week. But I forgot what it was. This sucks so, wait....

There once was a kingdom in the world of- Gah! Choking sound! Anyway, entering with a different storyteller.

Okay, so in this town was, like, this bug party. And they where all, like, celebrating...something. And so they..Wait, what's that. N-no, don't eat me! I'm to salty to die!
And so we get another storyteller.

In this party was a beautiful princess, who's parents loved her very much. And so they held a party to celebrate her beu-...No, no that's silly. They where holding one to celebrate a truce with someone, there. And so- Oh, crumpets. I love crumpets! Bring me some!
And now that THAT storyteller ran off.

The party started, all full of glamour. The people walked in, all of them with skirts flowing across the floor. Yes, even the men. And so, I say as I put my clothes on in the middle of the ball, it came to pass that the ball had been running smooth till the hour of 9:00. It would've been 12:00, but there where parents at this party. And everyone knows parents can't stay up that late. And so-What? What do you mean I can't dress in the middle of the room? A-arrested? Are you kidding!? NO! **** you! Get out'a here! I- no, no! (Censored.)
And once again, with a new narrator. I sigh, "sigh".

...Never mind, I'll just take care of it myself. So.....
So, as she was saying, the party was running smooth until about nine o'clock.
Then, somewhere behind the scenes, a ninja- No, wait. It wasn't a ninja! It was a girl! Okay, so a girl that looked like a ninja wearing a 50$ dress sneaked into the court yard. She was wearing a long, black dress that had a sheer material at the top. She was also wearing a mask and scarf over her mouth. In fact, she looked exactly like the girl out of the Halloween episode. But anyway...
Back in the castle, the princess was dancing with some cute hunk from who-knows-where, a small country out back by- What, not enough time? Okay. But then, whoa, but lo, the sneaking girl WALZTED into the ballroom. Actually, it wasn't really a waltz, she doesn't know how to waltz, more of a stride. Anyway, she walked in and....Ate food. Then, lo, but ho!

Someone came over to her. Was it the cute hunk that the princess was dancing with? Why no! It was the princess herself. She came over because she thought the ninja's hair was pretty. And it was. But back on topic. She also commented that she "Never met a ninja before."

"Like, I've never met a ninja before."

Then, the girl commented that she wasn't a ninja, or even remotely trying to be.

"Ah, you B**CH!"
Okay, so she didn't say it quite like I said it. But, hey. Um, don't repeat that kids, or adults. It only shows your lack of-But, that's another story.

So, the hunk came up and said. "Hey, how's the caviar."
"We don't have caviar." The princess said, disgusted.
"Oh. Um, who's your friend?" He said, looking at the not-supposed-to-be-ninja.
"Me? I'm, uh, I'm."

And then she paused. For she remembered the words of her fairy panda mother.
Wait, it didn't say anything. It's a panda. But she remembered something her great, great, great grandmother said just before climbing back into her tomb that was the sand box so many years ago. "Seek not the Jabberwocky. For it shall be your impending DOOOOOOM!.....I'm coming, Elizabeth!"
The girls face was one of shock. But by now the hunk and princess had wandered off, figuring that she wanted to be left alone with her flashback. They could tell it was a flashback 'cause everything was in purple.

So, the girl hung around the party for a while. And while she was there she talked to five people! One she had two conversations with, another a short conversation. And the rest where just short "Hello"s. She found it strange that they greeted her as if they'd known her for years when she'd never seen them before in her life. She also found it strange how the hunk and princess didn't get counted as people she talked to. Hmmm....
And then she danced, danced a dance of joy. Danced a dance of sorrow. And danced a dance that looked like she was having a seizure. Someone stopped to ask her if she was okay, that was the short conversation.

But then, as all parties do, this one ended. It wasn't half as good as she thought. In fact it was total crap. She wondered when the next one would be. Oh, yes, it was a masquerade party. I forgot to mention that. It was now three in the morning and all the adults wanted to go home. So, they told me to- Ah, I mean told the girl to go home. And I did...with her. I was the chaperone, yes! Not the girl, where would you EVER get that idea. Wait, you didn't? .....Forget I said anything. Except for the story part. And the rest of the blog....and the- Oh, just...Anyway.

Back to the story. The girl-no. This story wasn't about the girl....It was supposed to be about the princess....But I guess we're out of time now...I'll tell you about something else later..this week. Or the next...month. Trying to get a specific time schedule here.
Wait, is that the credits rolling?! Oh, dar-

(Roll credits here.)(By Bambi, Bambi, Bambi, Bambi, Bambi, ect.)