
Okay. So a blog is, like, this diary thing, or whatever. And people write in them, and there are lots of words. Normally. It's cold these days, which is why we have space heaters. Maybe I should aim one this-a-way, yah?

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Location: The town I live in, which exists in my home country., United States

Read blog, learn

Saturday, February 12, 2005

I apologize for the strange page stretching of the earlier post.

The title is the entire message. Could this be a new record of short?!
And the forgotten ending theme.

The more we sing together
The more we sing together
The more out of key

P.S. I did go back and change it, but we need the ending theme so I'm keeping this post.

Strange Kindness, not soon to be forgotten.

The other day when me and a... Excuse siblings, a couple I. Anyway and me, we were at the mall, eating in the food court. One was trying to imitate a dish called a beef bowl, though it didn't go to well. Yah, and so she had one bowl filled with rice, and beef. And my sister owed me three sodas so she got me those. But, anyway. There was a woman at another table that was with a couple kids. We didn't really them until she came over and asked us if we wanted the rest of her food. It was roughly half, give or take, of a meal that included meat and vegetable rice. My elder sister ate her beef bowl and we ate the meal. We thought she'd left by the time we were finished, so we were just saying "Don't know who she was but I would've liked to thank her again." when she came back with three of those little parfaits from McDonald's. "And dessert." She said, as she put them on our table. We turned to see her disappear into the crowd. We couldn't really talk about anything else for the rest of the meal. We never found out who she was, but we'd like to thank her one more time for that."THANK YOU, who ever, or where ever, you are."

We didn't get any pictures of her, but we did get some of dessert....

And one I recently resized.

Does it not look positively rosy?
Both photos courtesy of my sister, Eleanor, also known as the older one, or the one with the camera phone.