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Sunday, June 19, 2005

A Man's Dream

I had dream last night....

It started with me walking naked through a forest.
A small animal, bunny I think, sat in front of me. It just stared at me, with a look that said "Is it you?" It self-imploded and it's remains turned into a butterfly and flew away.

After that I was in a field, I was wearing armour now.
The same butterfly flew over head, only now it was turning into a bird. It tried to say something, but it got lost on the wind.
Then I got stabbed through by a lot of spears. It was excruciatingly painful. The ground under me gave way, and I fell into nothingness.

But then the nothing turned into water, and now I was drowning. I was dressed like a sailor now.
I closed my eyes, ready to except my fate. But I found myself standing at a port, open eyed.
There was a person next to me. They whispered something in my ear, I didn't hear it. I turned to see them, but they'd disappeared.

As I stood there confused the wind blew me away. I thought my body was going to be torn apart. But instead I found myself flying. I looked down, and then I realized I was a bird.
I flew over the whole world. In my travel I saw the forest, the field, the port; and as I flew I saw myself die a million ways.
I felt something well up in my eye. A tear? I don't think birds cry though...

But this tear fell from my eye, and soon I became that tear. I was falling like rain, and when I landed I became part of the ground. I joined with a seed there and then became a tree.

As that tree I saw many things. I saw a world that never ceased to amazed, full of beauty and wonders. I saw animals wander and touch the river nearby, I saw clouds drift freely.
Sometimes, I'd wish to wander. I'd see happiness, and sadness, malice and regret. Sometimes I'd long for those too. For a thousand years I stood, watching the world.
Then one day, men came to cut me down. The started to cut through me and I screamed in agony. But no one heard me, the wind continued to blow silently without a sound.
When they'd finished cutting me through....

I woke up.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

The Cast of DES. WARNING: Please read post below first.

As the title states, you should read the post directly under this one. It goes with it.
I guess I'll name 'em as they come. Not sure if that's "as they come" in the story or "as they come" to the top of my head.

She's the original main character. Described below as "the girl". While she's got a very nice name, and she's quite fond of it, she likes to be called by her nick-name in most situations. Lately I've been considering wether or not to take out her original introductory line, since I think it's a little corny. "I'm Katherine, but you can call me Kat."
Ch'yah. Um, she's actually the daughter the village leader. Which isn't something that came up until the second version. We're currently on the third real revamp. (We being me and who ever I decide to drag into it this time.)
In the proto-type version she starts out in love with Claude, but after his possession she's not quite sure what to do with him anymore. She begins to like the guy inside him, though this may only be because she's hoping to find Claude in him. She also starts to lean toward Shadow Star and sticks with him in the end of this version.
Other version, she's pretty much left all that behind her and is totaly commited to her cause.
She likes to be a mother figure to the people she takes in, most of them orphen children.

Shadow Star:
A fairly young person when he first shows up, I think he's younger then Kat.
He leads a group of Devils from they're main land on a special long term assignment.
He's actually the son of the main devil leader, but very few acknowledge that fact including said leader. Mother is a mystery. He has a balck star shaped mark near his left eye, and an S shaped earring. (He probably has more, that's just the oen he's seen wearing most.)
He finds Kat spying on they're camp and soon after falls in love with her. She doesn't like this idea and causes him to scowl. His back ground has little difference between the two versions, but there is a difference in behavior. He's more mature in the version I'm working on, while he was kinda child like when he first showed up in the original. Of course, he matured as the story went on.
Going on the current version... He found Shadow in the ashes of a town, abandoned. He felt sorry for the kid and took him in. You might even think he feels responsible for what happened, but he'll tell you otherwise. Blade suggested the name.

Kat's boyfriend. A human of no real stature, but fairly strong and smart.
In the second version of the current story he was played out fairly sappy (and wimpy) and was possesed by a devil outside of the group that attacked. But in all other versions, he's played as a strong, gentle, caring guy. He was alos strong willed, as his near self release in one scenario implied. I think the other reason that he couldn't escape on his own was that the devil's was even stronger.
Other then brief appearances, he really doesn't show up after he's taken over.

Devil Claude:
The temp name for the devil that possesed Claude in most versions. He originally didn't show up for anything but the alternate (and shorter) version. And he died there. But he seems to be making a more common appearance. He's a fairly skilled warrior, and personality wise he's almost plesant. In fact, sometimes he's like a more violent (and moodier?) version of Claude.
I'm thinking I should give him a name soon.
He took over Claude because he like the height, shape, and physic of his body. Not that he couldn't opperate without it, he just like Claude's. That, and he can always leave that body and leave Claude to die. But he hasn't done that yet.

An elf living with Shadow Star's group of devils. No one can be sure if that's his real name, don't know if anyones asked. Could just be a name they gave 'im. He tends to sit quitly by himself until talked too. Then he'll talk your ear off. And if you've fallen asleep, he'll acknowledge that and still keep talking. He has speech habits like mine.
But he aslo has a flaw. At the sight of his own blood he goes beserk for a while. No ones quite sure why, he just does. This' 'as caused some of them to suggest he cut himself when his allies are far enough away. He takes it in jest. He's gotten to be pretty good friends with Shadow Star.
Although no one he knowns has been told this, he has a sucky backstory.
He was living happily in the country with his folks and sister. He had a secret crush on his sister, never let anybody know. One day, a bunch of Dark Elves came by askin' for something. The parents wouldn't let them have it. They got killed. Him and his sister left with the thing. Some box they'd been holding on too for years. He'd never asked what was in it. So, he lived somewhere with his sister for a while. Until, one day, they caught up. His sister got killed and... he can't remeber anything else. Just that the box was gone, and next thing he knew he was looking at a small troop 'o devils.

In the romance like thing his only role was to be the baby at the end. But that never happened in this version, so his role is a little different. After the fifteen year mark, he becomes a main focus character. Shadow knows nothing about where he's from, but is full aware of his being adopted.
He doesn't like the people he lives with, and he doesn't smile. Never has, no real explanation.
He also knows that he's a devil/elf half. He has enough trates of both to make it a little obvious.
He has nice long hair that he somtimes puts in two braids. It's gonna get him in trouble one of these days.
After running away he meets Anni and Ace, the story picks up from there.

A fairly cheery, young adult elf. She lives with Ace who's been close to her for as long as she can remember. They have no parents. Anni herself only contributes to the story in the way that her personality effects different people.
Oddly, her and Ace have the same father, and there mothers where half sisters. Even weirder yet, they're supposed to be engaged. (Decided by a living relative.) She doesn't seem to acknowldge this fact and veiws Ace as a very good friend. She thinks Shadow is cute and wants to keep him.

A young adult elf that looks at new things with caution. He also ends up seeing a lot of new, or at least bothersome, things while he lives with Ani. He cares for her more then she realizes, but normally doesn't say anything. His actions might imply a little though. Unlike Ani, he doesn't like the idea of letting random people stay the night. Also unlike her, he takes there engagement very seriously though he normaly doesn't bring it up.
He's 1/4 DArk Elf on his mothers side. She had a lot of trouble in her life, and I think she jump off a cliff. This left the young Ace sad and lonely. He was sort-of brought up by Anni's mother until she died. (Disease, I think.) Their dad left one night and never came back.

Rrrr-something that sounds like a bad joke:
I can't remember his name. It was Rrrr something.
I remember that he was kinda a lech, and that Shine was supposed to be his girlfriend but they didn't act it. I don't think he cared to much. He was sent with Shine to go find Shadow.

A young devil at the near adult stage. Little is known about her, but she kinda was the reasoning type. She was going out with a guy (who's name I've forgotten) but her heart seems easily wavered. She was sent with him to go find Shadow after he ran away.

Anyone I'm forgetting or that I remember the name of I'll just call a lost soul and not bother updated into this blog. But I might add some people I haven't forgotten. Just to make them Shine!!!! (LAAAAAH!) But, please. No jokes on the girls name. Or she'll subject you to the "my cake tastes like pancake" torture.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

I'm pretty sure I haven't talked about this one yet.

When I was between the ages of six and eight I was drawing a few pictures while listening to music. What the pictures and music where doesn't really matter, but they inspired a story that I temporarily called Devil/Elf Story. DES, it was called for lack of a better title. When we failed to come up with a real title we just shortened the temp name.
Now, I'm still trying to figure out something else for DES to mean. I'm thinking it might be the world or something, but I’m not sure yet. 'Cause I just got the ingenious idea that it could be a piece of lost technology or something that's crucial to the ending I haven't made up yet.
But, getting back on track.....

There’s actually two different versions of it; the original concept version and the main version. The main concept version was supposed to be fairly short and, I think, a romance.

It was about this elf girl who lived in a village near a human town. And she had the most wonderful boyfriend. They were all madly in love and stuff.
Then, one day (which was probably like any other) a group of demonic-like people calling themselves Devils attacked. It sucked. :(
The girls boyfriend was possessed (taken over, body shared without the original guy having any control) and the guy that possessed him ran off. After all the burning and destruction, the girl was left bewildered. But somewhere along the way she joined a special force formed to fight jerks like these. (Note that she wasn't very good at this job.)
She was sent on a mission where "all she had to do was sit in a tree and watch." They'd found where they were based out of and sent the girl to do a spy-kind-of-mission. She wasn't even supposed to be noticed. But, she was and she was put in a cell by the leader guy. Later, she got moved to his... no, it was the other guys... Anyway, she was put in a tent with an elf guy. He was a nice guy. He talked as lot. He talked like I do. But, anyway.
Someway or another, she ends up working for/with them. The leader fell in love with her as did the guy that possessed her boyfriend. She kinda-of grew to like either. It ended up in the guys duking it out while she cried on the sidelines. The leader won, and the other guy died. After she stopped hating him for a while, I think she eventually married him and they had a nice little baby.

But that was only the original concept.... (Will finish later, need to go eat.)

8 hours later......
(Sorry, had to eat brunch, go to the park for a few hours and come back again for dinner and dessert.)

As I was saying, that was only the original concept.
In the other version of it, that being the main version, pretty much the same thing up to the point where she joined the devil group. While there, she still met the elf guy and the leader fell in love with her. But, she was on a job, nearly getting herself killed, and she got captured by an enemy force.
Here we introduce the Dark Elves. They're a lot craftier, stronger, and ambitious then the usual light colored elf.
So, she'd gotten captured by them, one thing led to another, and she escaped. But, she'd decided before that point to leave the devil camp once the chance came up. Thus, even though she'd escaped from the enemy she didn't come back to the camp. Sigh.

She ran into the forest and wandered alone for a while. She traveled like that for a while when she met up with a couple kids. In the actually story you never see her do this, but it still sends this character in a new direction. She took in these children, which turned out to be half-breeds and outcasts. Fifteen years passed, and she continued to find more. They where building a community, one of there own. Where they didn't need to feel out casted. But they still had to train to fight the enemy.
Note that from about the point they're first mentioned the Dark Elves pretty much become the bad guys. Also note that my older sister helped me make this part of the story and played some of the characters. As for the devils, after her escape she never saw them again. It made her sad, a little, she'd grown to like some of them. Though she'd never admit it.

Meanwhile, back with said group. After she left, their leader looked everywhere he could without jeopardizing what they where already doing. After weeks (months maybe?) of not finding her, he decided to let it be. Shortly after they raided an elven village. Some lady left her kid at their feet and ran. The kid was really young. Like, baby young...Yah.
So, they decided to take him in. The leader pretty much adopted him, but the kid didn't really except any of them. Not in the nice family way he should've. 'Course, 'round there no one really did. After those same said fifteen years, the boy had grown to be just about that age. (Being that they counted it as his 15th year.)
He got in a fight with the leader and ran off. (with the leaders favorite earring, fresh off his ear) This left the group kinda bothered.

In the woods, some while away, probably in the same area as the girl/ now woman and with to many commas...
A girl was walking. She was searching for berries, or something. There was another guy further back, but we'll get to him later. These people where both elves from a nearby village. The girl ran into the boy who'd ran off earlier and invited him over for dinner.
The guy she was with didn't like the sound of that, but they ended up doing it anyway.
And this is where it gets sticky. We've had about two or three branches off this point.
Two are almost the same in story, while the third and newest is a little different.

1) In this one, one of the people from the cross-breed village comes to the house and tries to rob them. It all ends in them having a nice dinner and the girl going home with a doggy bag.

2) Like the above, except that she steals dinner instead of being invited in for it.

3) After a dramatic scene with her and the guy that possessed her boyfriend, the girl from the beginning runs in to the other group in the woods. They're gathering berries or somethin'. She had a weapon drawn to defend herself from an earlier event and accidentally stabbed the guy with the other girl. It ended in the first girl being invited over for dinner. Go figure. This is the newest scenario and could change the way things pan out.

Random details I forgot to mention:
The leader of the devils sent a couple people out to look for the boy. Originally he was supposed to send their elf guy, but newer versions seem to have the guy possessing the girls boyfriend doing it.
Most species don't mix, so the girl and humans relationship was frowned upon. Devils are scary to most people and cause them to run in fear. A Dark Elf with a weapon has a similar effect.
Humans are a lot taller then elves. Devils are normally about the size of an elf, but can take a more demonic form that's often closer to the size of a human or bigger. There are also fairies in the world somewhere, but they haven't shown up yet.

Can't think of anything else. I'll try to include character info (like names, maybe) in the next post.
Sorry for making this so late, as it is so late that this must be done.
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Till next time, whenever that may be.