
Okay. So a blog is, like, this diary thing, or whatever. And people write in them, and there are lots of words. Normally. It's cold these days, which is why we have space heaters. Maybe I should aim one this-a-way, yah?

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Location: The town I live in, which exists in my home country., United States

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Monday, July 25, 2005

Run off 'o memory

A couple men run into the scene, they swing around swords and argue with they're movements.
It goes on like this for a bit: One man taunts, the other falls for it, they fight and it starts all over.
Then some people run in and stand between them. A man, who appears to have great power, stands between them with his hands held out in each direction as if to say "No".
They disperse and other people come out of their houses.
A couple men begin to move around as if their engaging in conversation. One nods and the other sighs. The dancelike movements depict a serious conversation, and they leave the area.

Later, some of the same people find a young man in a dark room. They open the door wide, letting light pour in, and look at him unsure. One dances up to him and lands down in one knee. He holds out his hand in an inviting and friendly manner.
But the young man continues to lay in his dark room. He rolls on a bed and images of a girl play through his mind.
They look at him with concern and he gets up to join them in the dance.
He does a graceful, yet mischevious, dance. The form and movements seem to remind one of a young woman. Then, with a quick movement, he switches into a forlorn dance of sorrow and loneliness. The ocassional movements thrown in indicate it's dedication to the girl danced about before.
The others look at him like a lost cause and leave.

In another area entirely...
A maid stands by and claps her hands in a summoning sort of manner.
A girl, maybe a bit younger then the boy before, comes into the scene.
A woman walks into the scene from another angle.
The girl cocks her head curiously, and smiles wimsically.
The woman, the girls mother it seems, does a dance that looks like it describes a flower blooming into full.
The Maid does a dance that looks like a small child playing.
The girl looks at them curiously?
The mother does another dance, this time depicting the birth and growth of a child.
The maid repeats her own dance, but follows it with a movement that looks like someone falling.
She takes the air, like a memory, into her arms and holds it dearly.
The mother looks at the maid inpatiently.
The girl looks at them both a little confused.

The mother and maid seem to go into a competition of dances with conflicting themes.
The girl looks at them funny.
In th end, the mothers dance wins and the maid steps down mellowly.
The girl looks at them disturbed. She's also trying to figure out what they were try to say, but fails sincew everyone talks in body movements. Due to this, she has no idea what her mother just try to 'motion' to her and the rest of the scene was skipped.

We now go back to the young man and a couple freinds. The freinds are try to drag the young man to an area with shining lights and mirthful music.
They dance in a couple circles toward the area and hold out their arms in an encouraging fashion. Hesitantly, the young man goes toward there.

Once inside, he stands and sighs. He does a dance describing the girl mentioned before. A lonely look was upon his face. He did a couple twirls and a bow, with his arm raised up around his chest andhis head lowered. He looked up and saw a young girl, the one from before, standing alone in a corner.
He stood up and stared in awe. (Awwwww.)
He walked up toward her, keeping with the rythm of the dance.
When he arrived, he took her hand and looked at her like he was seeking permssion.
She, who didn't speak dance, didn't quite understand and looked at him funny.
She took her hand from him and looked at him with uneasy eye.
He took her hand again, this time with a small laugh.
She grinned and took it back, only to have it stolen by him again. They went about this game for a minute or so, when he looked deeply into her eyes.

He released her hand and moved closer to her. He brought the index finger of his left hand up to her mouth and ran it, gently, along her lower lip.
Their eyes met longingly....

Switching to another part of the same scene...
Across the room, a man representing the girls father was sitting with a relative.
The relative was moving in a conversational sort of way.
Then, the relative say the young man with the girl and began moving eratically.
The father looked at him, wondering what was causing him to act thus.
The relative, the girls cousin, pointed an acussing finger at the young man over yonder. (This was before the whole longing stare thing.)
Cousin tried to draw his sword and attack the young man, but the father just brushed it off with a way of the hand. The cousin tried to convince the father to do something, but nothing came of it.

Back with the other two....
The young man nodded in a sort of acknowledging way, and the girl looked at him unsure. Still, she was open to what she thought he might be trying to do, which may not be what, but in fact was.
He kissed her.
She stared blankly and annoyed. She pulled out a book entitled "How to Kiss like a real typical" and looked at him inquiringly.
He looked at her, not quite sure what she was saying. He raised an eyebrow and narrowed an eye. Then he shrugged and smiled. She smiled with and let out a small laugh. The language barrier ddin't seem to be hurting much.

Suddenly, the lord girls father declared the party ended and the young man was rushed out the door with the rest of the crowd.
He looked back at her with a smile as he left.
She smiled, then looked troubled.
The maid walked up to her and did a sort of bow. The girl looked at the maid and did a sort of mimicking of what she'd been doing. The maid nodded understandingly. The girl mimmicked the boy particularly, then pulled out a list of the guests names.
She looked at the maid with a 'please' sort of look. She pointed to a nme, and the maid shook her head. The girl pointed to another and the maid repeated. Repeat proccess a couple more times.
Suddenly, the thought came that he might be married. The girl had no idea how to protray this thought, so she just skipped that wen to the part were she threatens to kill herself.
She put her hands around her neck and starting tightening her grip. The maid freaked out and tried to wrench her hands from her neck.
Then, she sadly pointed to a sign on the wall labeled "Sworn Enemy Family" in big bold letters.
After looking confused for a bit, the girl realized that the guy was from the enemy family and that they could never be.
She fell down on her knees and had a look that said "Nooooo" like so much Luke Skywalker.

Meanwhile, the young man had somehow been informed that the new love of his life was his dad's sworn enemy's daughter. Things could never be. He stood with his mouth open in shock.
(Like, le gonk.)

(Okay, so I took way to long to update this again. But, as promised, I'm gonna finish it. Please note that I may end up skipping a few things, as I'm still running off o' memory.)

After the intermission, which may've been far longer then planned, the next scene came on.
In the scene was a wall, and the young man and his freinds were standing near it.
The young man looked intent on scaling the wall, but as he tried his freinds tried to stop him.
He shook his head and they could see he was determined.
The nodded, deciding to respect his decision, and released him.

The young man almost rolled over the top of the wall. He landed with procision timing, and stood up straight and tall. He strided over into the open garden of the girl's house.
Going down from the house was a moonlit stairway, with a gated patio seated at the top.
He walked quietly up the garden path, which seemed to glow for all the moonlight pouring down.
The sound of light steps echoed from the barred stairwell and he stopped.
Cautiously, he looked around and ducked into the shadow of a tree.

The girl walked onto the patio and looked out through the gate. She looked out at the stars and sighed. She had a look of worry and unease. Her graceful features shone in the soft moon light, while the bars played shadows across her front.
She started to dance and play in the patio. She thought of the young man she'd met, and a wishful expression took over her face. Her turns and steps were gentle and sweet, like seeds on the wind.

Clouds over shadowed the moon, and a darkness overcame the garden.
The young man did a stylishly cautious dance over toward the stair. He started to climb up them, to get a closer look at his love, when the clouds broke and the bright light shone on them again.
The girl stoppede her dance and looked down at him.
He stood up, frozen in the light. He looked on at her, she looked at him. The both became entranced and gazed straight into each other eyes.
The young man cantered up to the gate and rose up like flowing water, his arms in the air. Then he brought them down like thunder onto the gate were she stood and gazed at her. He smiled softly. She smiled back and they stood for a while.

Some clouds danced over-head, making the lights dance. They grasped hands through the fence and... a sound came from the back.
The music changed and with it he expression. She turned back toward the house with a worried expression. He released his hands and started to step back, though hesitant to leave.
She ashured him to leave and blew him a farewell kiss.
He nodded and started down the stairs. But on the way down he stopped and reached into his pocket. From within his pocket he pulled out a ring. (Heaven knows were he got it.)
He tossed it to her and nodded farewell as he exited left.
She caught the ring, looked at it, then looked out dreamily into the night.

The next morning, the girls parents are sitting in the living room. The girl dances into the room, the ring shining on a chain around her neck. The thought of what it represents (or at least what it's supposed to, don't know if it's doing it's job.) sits gayly upon her mind. She danced up to her daddy, he gave her a distinguished acknowledgement. Then, he stood up and turned to point his hands toward the seat. He was beconing her to sit down. She sat down, and her father cantered out of the room. A bit later he danced back in with someone.
The father brought out some papers, implying plans he had, and showed them to his daughter.
The girl look at them, confused, then looked at the strange man.

The man was a fair amount older then her, and frankly he freaked her out. The man took her hand and kissed it. This sent chills down her spine, and she shivered. The man took her by the hand and pulled her up out of her seat. He dragged the confused girl around in an elaborite, fancy dance. She looked confused and a bit bewildered. The man pulled her close and looked into her eyes. She turned her eyes away, looking kinda scared.
The father put his hand on her shoulder, and looked at the man. The man released her, bowed, and left the room.

Later still, the girl had managed to steal away from the house and meet up with the young man. He took her by the hand, and they went together into a church. There, they did a sacred dance potraining to the ever lasting love they were hoping to preserve.
An exchange of silent vows, to remain silent forever. The preist wondered if it was all right.

After that scene, the girl gos home and finds her father talking to the strange older man.
She looks at him warily, and he smiles at her. The father dances up behind her, and steps in such a way that she's forced to step closer to the older man. The older man steps one, steps two, then steps right up to her and takes her hand.
He kisses her hand, making her cringe, and pulls out a ring. He tries to place it on her hand, and she steps back. She spins away from him, looks at him warrily, then steps out of the room.

In the city, the young man is walking dreamily through the city. His friends, who have no idea were he's been all day, meet up with him and they all hang out. The young man is dancing happily through the streets. He depicts his soul being lifted up into heaven and him flying away into the stars. The others dance around him like he's going crazy.
But as they do this the girl cousin, yes the one that's out to kill the guy, comes up the road. "Bad to the Bone" starts playing.
Cousin strides in rythm, then stops when he see's the young man. He taps his foot as he watches him, dancing his pathetic little dance. Rythmless, and it looks like a girl. The cousin spits onto the ground and pulls out his sword. He points it at the young man and cokcs his head in a challenging manner.
The young man stops long enough to acknowledge and shake his head. Then he prepares to continue his dance of glee.
This pisses off the cousin to no end, and he starts to stride forward with his sword drawn.

One of the freinds, the one that's not also the young mans cousin, notices him doing this and draws his sword to defend him. The two swords clash and the freind smiles.
A new dance begins, feaureing part of the summer bit from the four seasons, and they battle to it. The feet move, and they dance a dance that would inspire an eight year old watching Power Rangers.
The young man stops dancing, and watches the battle from the side.
But as that goes one, the battle commences, and eventually one of them falls. The other friend watches in horror as he watches his friend fall.
The young man watches his friend blead, and is filled with rage. As his freind releases his last breath, the young man draws his sword and charges at the girls cousin. Like a mad man he strikes with furry. He doesn't try to contain his furry in the slightest as he steps forward with an entirely new beat. The cousin tries to step to this new rythm, but is soon over taken.

Before he even realizes what happens the battle is over. The girls cousin is slain, and the young man begands to realize what happened. The prince, who was delicatly bunny hopping down the road, stopped his dance and stared at the spectical.
The prince moves in a commanding manner and points accusingly at the young man.
The young man steps takes a few well timed steps back. The princes soldiers dance around him, forming a circle. they perform an elaborate dance with the young man trying to escape and the soldiers capturing him. Then, with the final movement of the prince, he is cast out of the town.

Back with the girl, she just got word that her cousin was killed, the young man, and that said young man was banished. She tore her cloths and started up an elaborite dance of mourning.
While it may've seemed like she was mourning her cousin, she was actually more upset about never seeing her secret husband again.
Enter sad music.
While she danced sorrowfully in the back, her parents were once again entertaining with th older man. The father was quite distressed about his nephews death and was willing to do anything to assure his daughter happiness. And the mother wasn't much help. The both limply danced around the older man as he did a fancy dance between them. His dance eventually moved from between them to by the girl. He caught her hand in mid spin and placed a ring on her hand. She looked startled and slowly turned her eyes to him.
He smiled at her, bowed politly, and danced out of the room. Her parents mourned in the background. But acknowledged what had just happened. They nodded politely as he left.

The girl slowly turned her eyes toward the ring, her eyes grew wide and wild.
She tore it off her finger and threw it too the ground. Then she oulled out the ring given to her by her beloved and placed it on her finger.
Her parents didn't get a good look at the ring, so they couldn't tell the difference.

A few days or maybe a week later....
The young man was living ion the outskirts of another town, thinking deeply on his love and how he might get her out of the other town. He was just preparing a letter for her, when a preist walked into his building. He looked up from his work.

But going towards the girl for a bit ...
The girls mother was with her, dancing around the house. The maid danced by, carrying a fancy fabric. Her father danced solemly behind her.
But she was kneeled in a sad position. Her parents, in there greif, and engaged her to the older man. She glanced toward her mother, happy to see her daughter married. She glanced at the maid, working so hard. But she had no joy here.
She got up and strided slowly toward the door. She opened it to go out, but found the priest who'd married her at the door.

In the garden, she danced a solem dance, and he watched her. He nodded, noting that he'd understood her. He beconed her over to him and, with a spin, she came. She knealt down on her kneas and looked up at him pleading. He gace a rising motion, and she rose. He handed her a bottle. He then slipped a peice of paper into her pocket, and turned to leave.
She pulled out the paper, and looked at it. It described a property in the bottles contents that would put someone in a sleep so deep they would appear... dead.
She gasp, and looked up to see the preist. He was gone.

The preist had gone back to his temple, to prepare th careful plan he'd made. He wrote a letter, addressed to the young man, and was going to send someone to send it for him. A lesser priest, maybe.
One was supposed to be running letters back and forth, but he hadn't made it back yet. He rasied his arms toward the heavens, praying for things to go well.

But back with the girl...
Her mother had danced into the room, holding a finished wedding dress. The girl looked up from the desk she was sitting with, and her expression turned to one of sorrow.
Her mother looked at her with concern, and the girl forced a smile. The mother smiled again and danced out of the room, with the dress.
The girls face changed to dread, then to determination.
She lay down on her bed, nodded, and drank the contents of the bottle. To her it felt like a deep sleep, but to the others that found her the next morning...

Her mother was in tears, her father was in shock, and the older man looked like the sky had just left him to suffocate.
The doctor shook his head, and put a cloth over her head.
The all danced away in a mournful fashion. If it wasn't so sad it might even look silly.
A preist, who apperantly knew about the secrect wedding, heard about her being declared dead and sorrowfully danced over toward the other town.
I find it hard to believe he'd dance that whole way.

Meanwhile, the other messenger was coming back. He may've had letters, or just a cake. But, anyway. I think the two guys may've exchanged high fives as they passed, or just dances. And the messenger got back.
The head preist did an urgent and paniced dance and handed the messenger a letter to deliver.
The messenger paniced too and danced out the door.

Finally getting back to the young man...
He stood in the dorrway as he got the news that his beloved was dead. He stood in shock, and toppled down to the ground. Then, rising like the heat, his look changed to one of greif and desperation. He did a determined dance toward a nearby shop, one he was originally intent on avoiding. He came into the shop, and a clerk came out and did a welcoming dance. The clerk danced about offering his wares. Some form of a love potion, a medicane for some strange disease. But what the young man wanted was sitting on a shelf and he danced right toward it. He did a dance depicting his trouble, a movement depicting his greif, and a finishing touch that would depict his resolve. It involved pulling out a bottle of...poison.
He took the bottle to the clerk, and handed him money for it.
The clerk excepted uneasily and let him go.

The young man took off for the town of his birth, readying himself for death.
Meanwhile, the guy that was supposed to give him the messege about her being asleep instead of dead, and that he could take off with her anytime, passed into the town and missed him entirely.

The girls family, who thought she was dead, had put her in the family tomb and had her lying in a casket. They closed the tpmb and left her to her death.
After they left, the young man came into the grave yard with the preist that had borne the bad news. The preist had a lantern and the young man a crowbar.
The young man jerked his thumb toward the crypt, implying he was going in.
Then he gave calmly drew his sword and put it up against the guys neck and gave him a look that said 'If you try to stop me, I will tear you apart limb from limb and strew your body parts across the grave yard'.
He retreated the sword to it's sheath and entered the crypt. The preist became sore afraid and retreated himself to the bushes.

Once in the crypt, the young man did a crazed sort of ritual type dance that also somehow involved opening the casket. As he was doing so, the older man came in to get a last look his lost bride. The young man stared for a bit, then went back to what he was doing. The older man became enraged by the this felon who was aparently robbing her grave. Or something...
The older man drew his sword and started to dance in an antimidating manner. The young man smiled calmly and drew his sword as well.
hey fought with skill and timing in an artful manner. The older man had grace and balance, but the young man was just plain crazy so he ended up winning.
But, even though he was crazy by this point, he could see that this older man also had a strong fealing for his wife. I mean the younger guys wife, who was almost the older guys too, but ended up not being.

The young man opened the casket, and looked upon the face of his beloved. He smiled, noticing how death had made her look almost as if kissed by the moonlight. And chuckled at how, even in death, she had a slight blush to her cheecks.
He did one last farewell dane to the world, as the last of the older guys blood oozed out of his now dead body. The young man lifted the older man into the casket, out of respect for the other guys feelings, then climbed in himself.
He then pulled out the afore purchased poison and chugged it like Kool-Aid. And with that, he died.

But, as soon as this deed was done, the girl awoke from her slumber to find herself in an open casket with two dead guys beside her.
She did another Luke Skywalker like 'Noooooooo!' look and bent down towards her fresh dead husband. Forget the older guy...
She hoped to find some poison on his lips, so she might join him, and kissed his lips. Trears filled her eyes as she discovered that he could lick his chops very well, even in death. Not a drop.
Then, she spotted a dagger at the side of her lover and she pulled it out with a look of glee on her face.
She exclaimed in a loud voice "Oh, happy dagger!" And then-

"Woah, woah. Julie, baby. Did you just say happy dagger."
"Uh, yes?"
"No, you missed the point. Your not supposed to say anything."
"What, are we still rolling? Cut that tape. Cut-"

(Thing may've been changed or swapped around to make up for format, drama, directors preference, or just to accomodate forgoten events. Thank you for bearing with this experiment for so long.)

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Going somewhere

I'm gonna be going somewhere. And somehow, it felt like I should post here before I go. I'm not gonna be gone more then a few days, but.....
I have no idea what to write. I'll probably write something when I get back.

My birthdays coming up soon, and I don't have any birthday money yet. You'r all welcome to give me some. Go ahead and give me some. I'm greedy, hand it over. Please? Oh, okay. Nevermind.

I probably should've put something like that up at the top of the page.
Have any of you been 17 before? Yah, me neither. I mean, even if you have half of you probably never got that far.
I think I'm still running on a late 10 to 12.
But those are good ages.

But back to the money, I was thinking of buying a game I'd heard a little about. Just today even!
Like, wow. And I'm not even thinking all that fast. Or at least I don't think I am.

Teresa wants to take her dolls with, but I don't see any reason too. The dools make a colorfull (not to mention fun to dress up) outlet, but we really don't need them to play a role.
Chances are, we'll just end up sitting awake for three hours late talking about htings they might do anyway. By them I mean the characters. What they're kids'll be like. What the kid's kids'll be like, what the grand kids of they're decendents'll be like. How the cow jump over the moon....without making sound with it's bell.
The bell probably doesn't make any sound 'cause there's not enough air around the moon to cary sound. But then, why is the cow alive enough to jump over it?
Or is it just an airless body floating in space? Somehow that makes more sense.
And for some reason, I was laughing while writing that. Am I sick? I thought so.

And for some reason, my sister was grabbing my hair just a moment ago.
"Your sick." She declared, just out of my eye sight. I think that's called a blind spot.
And for the record, I write most of these either in the middle of the night or first thing in the morning. Which may attribute to the way they're written.
My arm kinda hurts.
I bought a Zelda game for 2 bucks today. And a nice painting. But I may need to hang it after I get back.
In reference to the painting, not Zelda.
And I remembered what I was gonna say earlier.

I think I used attribute properly. I made the mistake of using sultry wrong earlier. Though sulrty may've matched what I was talking about, in a weird kinda standing around and held to the side angle kinda way.

And I really should get off before my dad get's home.
I'm supposed to leave at 11 am tomorrow, which normally isn't that early for me.... In fact, it's only about an hour or two after I normally like to get up. (On a good summer day it's around the time I do.)
But tonight, for some reason, it's seems kinda early. And part of me is afraid that if I don't get to sleep early I'll oversleep and miss the whole thing. That would suck.
But, yes. Part of me (Particularly the part about salted pork...I mean, the part that wants to sleep and is making all these typoes your not seeing 'cause I'm back spacing them all.)...Um, part of me seems to think I'll sleep in too late.
Even though I can get up at 6 after going to bed at 2.

And I can't seem to think of anything else tonight, and I hope this is all enough to keep you all amused.
(You know which ones I'm talking too....No, actually you don't. But it's probably the ones I actually know read this.)
So, good night and good times. Have yourself a merry little christmas and wish your second cousin well.

Now, let's all make quick money with the chicken song.
Buk, buk, buk, buk. Buk, buk, buk, buk. Buk.....buk...bluk...buck...buk.

Saturday, July 02, 2005

There's a bunch of men at the track-switch rapidly moving the lever back and forth.

A long, long time ago... I can still remember.... how this line used to make me smile.
And I think it still does sometimes, but right it rings no bells nor chimes... But maybe it'll amuse me for a while......

This is one of those days that I can't think of anything so I just ramble off. I thought I'd mention, however, that we had a conversation earlier about pure. Something pure may not always be purely good, they could also be purely bad. It just has to be purely something.
And great is the same way.

You could say that some one was a great leader, a terribly great leader. But they were also very bad. It's just that they're accomplishments made them great. And terrible as well-.....This isn't boring is it?

I was thinking of making a game based off of a story I have yet to finish. It starts with this girl who lives by herself. She looks a lot like me, you know. And she meets this blue-haired girl who fell from space in a capsule. There's also a boy with green hair living on earth. And this girl from space is a friend of his, you find out that that's because he's an alien like here. Later, they all go to her house and... get ice cream?
Um, they run into a guy that says he's the blue haired girls fiance. For the record, she's got a crush on her friend. (Who I think has a crush on the first girl.)
Anyway, the guy decides to repay her for finding his fiance by eliminating all witnesses. In short, he decideds to have her killed. But he doesn't. Haven't figured out why yet.

But, after that the house ends up being blown up by space pirates "for kicks" and they're all captured. The captian falls in love with the main character and she smacks him.
After being put in a cell they all get the help of a fuzzy, shapeshifting animal and escape somehow.
Then they all go to a planet where they all find out a prince has been missing for years now. Eventually they find some things that indicate that the pirate is the prince and they meet up with him again. But not before taking his eight year old kid that he didn't know(?) about with them.

I think they eventually run into a person who's related to the main character and is involved with some great cosmic thing. But this is all after what was described before and more.

Now for something else to ramble about............ And just for a change or maybe because I'm to lazy I'm not gonna bother with the spell checker.
(Five minutes later.....)
Sorry, got distracted.
I was thinking the other day....
That true mastery is not in the knowing, but in the learning.
And that made sense to me at the time.
I'm afraid I can't think of too much else, and I probably should stop before I start rhyming again. And I don't really think my rhyming is all that good.
But I do think that word formations can be an art in themselves. I'm sitting here listening to Macross 7. And I'm suddenly reminded of some kind of religious thing I thought of a few months ago. Don't even ask me why.

And I think this would be a good time to stop. This is getting to the point where I just keep talking, even after they tell me they're not listening anymore. Goes right up there with the time I was talking to Teresa and she started snoring. I mine she was really asleep and snoring. And I knew this, but I kept talking anyway......Kinda like I am now.....
I'll ramble mpre next time......