
Okay. So a blog is, like, this diary thing, or whatever. And people write in them, and there are lots of words. Normally. It's cold these days, which is why we have space heaters. Maybe I should aim one this-a-way, yah?

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Thursday, August 25, 2005

For lack of something better...

Today I'm gonna tell you about an idea for a story I've been thinking of using. Which reminds me, have I mentioned the one where half the cast comes from space and the princess has long blue hair yet? Ah, I'll figure it out later.

In this story, we follow the life of a regular boy, and how he copes with things at school. Oddly enough, the story itself has little to do with the schooling itself or the clubs and such in it. It's about the romance and blood and guts that take place in the heart of this young man. I probably don't wanna know how his guts get into his heart either.

That aside, I think I like using the comma...and periods.
This particular boy is named Alaister, and his family lives on a lower-mid class income. But the rest of his family really isn't important. I mean, they probably are to him, but not to this here.

And I just used up needless time and space writing that. That's gonna cut some of our potential program short, folks. Let's all smile and wave at the time gone by. Bye, important writing time.

Anyway, Alaister goes to a perfectly normal school and has low side of average grades. What? No, it's not supposed to resemble something...least I don't think....
Getting back to the subject, which I keep trying to do but end up interrupting myself, in this school the story takes place.
Like any other school romance, the lead character has a crush. The crush, in his case, is a girl named Marie.
Getting off the subject of her for a bit, I'm gonna go ahead and explain more about him.

He dreams of being a rock star. And by rock I mean the loud heavy rock where it's half screaming. He absolutly loves doing that. He spends up to hours hanging around an abandoned construction sight after school, practicing this art. He'll do ridiculous moves and jump around his make shift stage belting out these lyrics he made. Well, getting back to the one girl he likes, one day she was walking home with a friend and saw him doing this.
She just stood there for a bit, dumbfounded. She narrowed her eyes in disbelief and disturbence.
Her friend looked at him like a freak and dragged Marie on.
Alaister stood there with his mouth open.

Another character in this world is Alaisters self-proclaimed friend, Philippe. Philippe is the richest guy in the school and looks over all rosy. To him, life is simple and gay. Not a real worry in the world, and what worries there are can easily be purchased away.
Alaister actually finds him kinda weird and wonders how he ended up hanging out with him. A conversation goes something like this...

Philippe jumps out onto him, knocking him to the ground.
"Yyes, Philippe?" Alaister looks at him warily. "Oh, Alaister. It's terrible."
"What?" Alaister gets up and dusts himself up.
He gives Philippe a hand up, making Philippe even more fond of him without realizing it.
"You won't believe what my parents did today." Philippe stands in a femenine way. Conversation goes on in a similar fashion with Philippe evading the topic through most of it, until someone interupts it and Philippe says not to worry about it.

Other things they do include Alaister asking Philippe how a broke guy like him could possibly go out with someone like Maria.
Philippe looks at him with teary eyes and says something like "Alaister..... To survive on so little, yet...strive to realize such an impossible dream. Sniff. I- I admire your spirit. Ah, if only I could have the spirit and determination that you poor people have learned to have!" Fire burns and waves crash behind him.
Sometimes that's replaced with the "Oh, how I pity you. Living on so little and yet still so strong. Ah, how it must feel to grow strong on rice cakes!"
Then Alaister is like "Rice cakes?"

At one point, Philippe declares to Alaister that he's in love with a lower income girl. And he shyly (complete with blush and his hands behind his back) asks him "How do you court a poor girl? I mean, since your such a charming and clever person. I'm sure you'd know how to entertain her without overwhelming her. You know, with all the riches and stuff..pointless as it all is."
They go about with this thing for a while. And all the while, Alaister wonders how he even got involved with this guy.

To my knowledge, he gets nowhere fast with Marie. And to the side, he gets pummeled by a guy with dyed hair, multi-colored dyed hair. That, you guessed it, has a crush on her too. So, that goes well. Marie's friend thinks Alaister's a total freak and doesn't want anything to do with him. Especially after they saw him at the construction site.

And that's pretty much all there is to the world so far. I may or may not use this for something.
And here is where you enter an ending theme.