
Okay. So a blog is, like, this diary thing, or whatever. And people write in them, and there are lots of words. Normally. It's cold these days, which is why we have space heaters. Maybe I should aim one this-a-way, yah?

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Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Copyright info

Since it's now been a full year since this blog was formed (forgot to wish it happy birthday) I've decided to go through and see what all needed correcting and copyright recognition.
First I would like to thank all copyrighted people for existing to be mentioned.

Slow Day of October 18, 2004
Made a reference to Moody Blues' Nights in White Satin, but had it titled wrong. (No, Mary, I don't want to hear about the homophone.) It was on the album Days of Future passed, which came a good many years ago. I'd look it up if it wasn't in the car.
Also made a reference to Jello, which is actually a trademarked brand. I think a band had to change their name because of that.
Apparently, Jello-O is part of or in relation to Kraft Foods. Thought it might be something like that.
And vendini may've been used in Star Ocean 3 somewhere (Put out by Enix, possibly before they became Square-Enix), but since it was used in the random word generator we'll let that one slide.

Halloween of October 31/November 1, 2004
The live photo's aren't really copyrighted, but most of them were taken by my sister with her phone so I thought it deserved to be recognized. Yay, phone. The panda also belongs to her and is called Pan-Tan.
Also in that post was a bunch of stuff off of Gaia. Copyright Gaia Interactive 2004.

Ode to Food of November 23, 2004
At the end is mentioned a quote from Shrek 2. The quote may or may not be acurate, but it's still supposedly from Shrek 2. I'm assuming Shrek 2 is copyrighted by Dreamworks.

God Wars of December , 2004
Although God Wars isn't really copyright, unless someone may've copyright and used the name without me knowing it, the site it's currently on is. See afore mentioned Gaia copyright info.

Problem of January 16, 2005
"I'm coming Elizabeth" was probably a quote from Shrek 2, see above for Dreamworks info.
The Jabberwocky was written by Lewis Carol and may or may not be copyrighted. It's part of classic litteture.
Bambi I'm assuming is copyright of the Walt Disney company, though the usage of it in this post was a little different.

Strange Kindness of Febuary 12, 2005
McDonalds was mentioned in this post. McDonalds is trademark of the McDonald's Corporation, which seems to be huge. When I looked up the copyright info I found a whole page of moto's and affiliates. Frighteningly succesfull, that company.

Apologize Febuary 12, 2005
There really isn't copyrighted info here, but the rune for the ending theme was probably taken from a We Sing tape. I have no idea if that's their song or if it's just one they often use.

Someone Elses Journal of March 3, 2005
Once again Gaia is mentioned. See the above info .
The link in that post seems to be broken, but anyone who goes to the site is welcome to look up the user if their still interested. It updates probably as often as most I've seen.

Girl who talked with her eyes of March 23, 2005
Jurassic Park is probably copyright of Universal Studios, but the official site gave me little info on it. McDonalds was more help.
Godzilla is trademarked Toho, all rights reserved it says.
Jeep may or not be a trademark title, I always thought it was the type of car.

Belling Susan of March 30, 2005
Tom and Jerry are briefly and unofficially made a reference to in order to get an image across. I found out they're trademark or Turner Entertainment. Wouldn't 've known that one without looking it up. They seem to be affliated with Warner Brothers. I figured as much.
The Twilght Zone theme was mentioned at the end.
Unfortunatly, I failed to find any trace of it's copyright info. (Play theme again.)

It's getting kinda late now, and I'm kinda hoping I didn't put much more copyright info.

Not Disney/Matell of April 15, 2005
Disney, which is lonly mentioned in the title, is of course copyright of Disney.
Mattel I'm assuming is copyright of self said Mattel Inc. (And third parties)
McDonalds was already covered with all it's trademarked logo's and a bunch of eye widening really don't wanna know.

Interview with... of April 15, 2005
Harry Potter brought to you and probably trademarked by J.K. Rowling. The movie is probably copyright Warner Brothers.
Spam is apparently put out by Hormel Foods. They probably copyrighted it too.
There are also quotes from Sword in the Stone and Princess Diaries 2, which are , once again, Disney. Oh, yes. Lion King and Peter Pan probably are too.
And let's not forget the line from Finding Neverland. Which is actually Miramax, but the two Finding Nemo lines are from Disney/Pixar. There are also Aladdin lines...remind me not to watch Disney before blogging.
The Homestar Runner may or may not be copyrighted, it said nothing in the legal stuff.
I'm not gonna even bother seeing if Google is copyrighted, but I'd like to thank it for helping me find the rest of the info.
Kool-Aid was not only misspelled, but the copyright info wasn't mentioned. It's put out by Kraft Foods, right along with Jell-O.

Please tell me I'm done.

May I propose a post of May 9, 2005
Monty Python and the Holy Grail under and assumed copyright of Columbia Tristar Home Entertainment.
Sound of Music copyright 20th Century Fox.
I have no idea which record company puts out Heart, but they're probably copyrighted under them, themselves, or something like it. Site is currently down for maintenance, so I can get out of looking it up.

I spent the entire month of June without posting something copyrighted.....

Men at track-switch of July 2, 2005
Macross 7 was breifly mentioned.
Seems to be copyrighted by Big West, who I've never heard of.

Going Somewhere of July 15, 2005
Zelda was mentioned. I believe Legend of Zelda is copyright Nintendo, but I'm not sure if any other group helped make it.

Run off 'o memory of July 25, 2005
I thought this one was copyright free, but I seem to have some Star Wars references in there. Curse you, Yoda!
Copyright LucasFilm LTD and 20th Century Fox.
(Is Shakespear copyrighted?)

Double play of September 4, 2005
Hair Grow is copyright of the Vinstaff corporation (make that multi-international corporation) and Wing gets some of the royalties for coming up with the idea in the first place.
Sick Day of September 20, 2005
All Disney references, Disney Movie titles and named Disney characters are already covered in the above post. No more freakin' Disney, we don't sell it here!
And that's everything.
Wow, really? Yay, I'm done! I can go to bed! I can dance around! I can dance in bed! I can siiiiing..... Till next time.

Sick day

I read a scripture a couple days ago. It told of a man whodreamed of walking in the dark. Then after a while the man was all like "You know, God, I've been walking in the dark for a while, and I was kinda wondering if you'd give me a little light here."
So, an angel appeared and led the man to a tree.

The angel just kinda disappeared after that, wasn't really talked about. For all we know he was standing to the side makin' cash as a guide. But he probably worked for peanuts. You know, if I worked for peanuts I'd get sick of eaten' 'em awful fast.... I get sick of eating 'em fast anyway.
But that's not why I'm sick, I don't know why. I just

But getting back to the tree.
The guy walked up to the tree and he saw the fruit upon it. He looked at the fruit and thought "Gee, that fruit sure looks good. It makes me want to make people happy."
This being that it actually was more akin to "was desirous to make one happy" but that's the best translation I came up with.
So, the guy took the fruit from the tree, and ate of it and he was all like "Wow, this is the best fruit ever!"

In fact, it was so good he wanted the rest of his family to have it too. So he looked around for them and saw his wife and two younger sons on the other side of the river.
"Hey, guys! Come try the best fruit ever." He called. And they came, and they partook of the eating and they were all like "Wow, this is the best fruit ever."
And with broad smiles on there faces they all looked around for the elder two sons, and they saw them on the other side of the river.
So they were all like " Wanna try the best fruit ever?" And they were all like "No, we don't want no best fruit ever."

Then a bunch of other people started coming out of the dark, probably with their pockets emptied by peanuts by the angel, and started to come across the river. Most of them were hanging onto a railing, a nice long pole.
Most of them fell to a watery and rather blank death below, but some came to the other side and ate the fruit too. And they all smiled their braod smiles and had a glitter in their eyes.
But a dark castle was floating over head, and it was filled with spiteful people. The people all looked down and said "Haha, look at them. They've all got shiny and dorky eyes." And the people looked up and frowned. They over dramaticaly dropped their fruits and saddly walked away, falling into the pits of no-longer-in-this-storyness.
But the guy just said "Oh, don't look at them...They're silly." And they ate the fruit in peace.

But... that's not why I'm sick. And that's not really the topic of this blog. I really don't know what the topic is... So, that's why I'm calling in sick.
Can't very well call, there'd be way to much long distance. I was thinking of trying to come up with something that wasn't a story, since I've been doing way to many of those lately. But I got distracted by my horrible grammer, over use of the comma, and the memory that a cereal box and some cereal made me think of writing of Disney. I used the name Disney for something, sorta.. backwards. But that's besides the point.
I was going to ramble off about bad guys to be exact. To be even more exact, the way they die.
Which isn't very nice.
I'd tell you to take children out of the room, but most of the things discussed are shown in family friendly movies anyway.

You'll notice that some of the bad guys die horrible deaths, and the good guys get away with it, are even praised for it.
In Snow White the evil queen gets pushed off a cliff and falls to her doom. Gaston, in Beauty and the Beast, had a similar splatty ending. You can imagine the horrible mess that made.
Sleeping Beauty; Maleficant was one of the coolest bad guys out there. Seriously. Philip was about to get his butt handed to him on a slurching molten metal platter, when one of the good faires sent the sword flying into her chest. So, the fairy was the real hero. Then the sword of truth and rightousness, made from the very essence thereof, turned into a dark and evil blade from the very remains of Maleficant. That tells you how cool a bad guy she was. Thus nod verily.

Oh'p, gee look. A random sentence in the middle of the blog.

Tarzan. Everyone remember that one? Even the characters in the show realized how horrible hanging yourself with wild vines was. But they all got married in the end anyway.
You said Vicky, Teresa. You know, in the book Clayton was Tarzan's cousin. But I don't think he died either. Hmmm.
Getting back to the falling to a horrible death scenario... (Gee, disney really seems to like that one.)
Hunchback of Notre Dame, which didn't follow the book too well I hear. I loved the background music, though the inserts were kinda formula.
The bad guy in that one was about to chuck the hero to a horrible falling death onto fire and molten metal from the tops of Notre Dame itself onto the bodies and swords of dying heros and bad guys alike. But, he was saved. Saved by a girls sash and some blond guy.
But the bad guy fell upon all that was described, while plummeting down with a demonicly possessed gargoyle crushing him on impact, if it didn't eat his soul and face before they landed. Hmm, in flight dinner.

Give me another one, Vicky. (enter suggestion)
Another one, give me another one.

Oliver and Company! All was well with the lovely little cat, living the high life and hanging with his street dogs.
When they to climax scene, they were all going for a joyride on a motor bike... on the train tracks. The bad guy was behind them in his car, and his two dogs bit it by falling on the train tracks. They may've lived, but the car was going pretty fast. But the bad guy wasn't so lucky.
He burned down, fell over and then sank into the swamp.
Why was I watching this stuff as a kid?....

Just look at this mess, as story and not a single pearl of wisdom. Now let's see....
Carnivoras Butterflies.... nope, no good. I could tell you how pearls are made.
It's actually a rather pain staking process. A piece of sand gets into the shell of a clam or something, then parts of the shell grow of that piece of sand in an iritation. I imagine that's gotta hurt like heck.
Well, pearls of wisdom are the same way. You've gotta get something in your system and let it grow there and irritate you. You might even feel pain from it. But eventually, you'll just kinda spurt it out. Chances are, you'll never be able to remember it, someone else may hold it close and treasure it.
Then they may write a song about it. Then they'll write a song about what someone did to their song. Then they'll write a song about the freakin' E: drive dying!
But don' worry much 'bout it.

It's kinda late, and Mom and/or Teresa still need to get on. In fact, I don't think the latter is going too. Sorry. Don't have a link for her blog anyway.
I'm also afraid that with my veing (veing?) sick and the fact that I can't htink of a decent non-story topic I'm gonna bring this blog to a close.
Till next time.

Sunday, September 04, 2005

Double Play

Today we're going to do two different things. They're absolutely unrelated, but I couldn't decide which to tell you about this week, so I'm covering a little bit of both.

First up is a piece of the God Wars universe. Not, the one mentioned earlier, but a different one that takes place in an alternate dimension. Actually, the afore mentioned one's the alternate, this one was thought up first.
The world it takes place in is just like the other one except with countries instead of clans.
The two largest countries are Hersia and Northerland, with Laguna and the uncharted island of Eden to the west.
Now, this version is made up of different story arcs, or "games". And in the fourth game there's a group of bad guys, which I dubbed the Eternal when I was half asleep and needed a quick name.
Yesterday, I tried to tell my mother about them, 'cause a book I was looking made me think of 'em, and she covered her face. 'Course, I was determined to tell her about it so I kept talking.
But she had to go, soooo... Now you all get to hear it. There's no way she'll ignore it now. Bwahahahhahah! Um....

Before we get started, I thought I'd mention that some names may sound farmiliar.
Nearly all of them were stolen from somewhere, whether intentional or accidental.
We'll start with the leader, and probably go in order of joining.

Birth Name: Noin Maria
Birthplace: Windlock
Lain was born in a secluded village in a deep windy valley. Because of the terrain and strong winds constantly blowing through the village, they didn't get many visitors. In fact, few people even knew it existed for the most part.

Maria grew as the smart girl in the village and was the kind that made her family proud. When she grew to be a young adult she married the chief's son, later known as the village scum.
One day, the village decided to make a lab in the cliffs above the village. She saw this as an opportunity and left for it, with her young son.
Her son annoyed her to no end, and she ended up using him as a guinea pig. Eventually, he left the village and she was left alone in the lab with her co-workers.
After a while, the lab lost all contact with the village and the workers were left to slowly decay.
But not Maria.
She, who had by this point renamed herself Lain for some reason, (it was really late, so sue me) worked on a chemical composition that would grant her great powers.
She succeeded in doing so and mutated herself into an immortal (in the sense that she lives a very long time) being. She also found herself with the ability to minipulate a wind type magic.

Lain decided she wanted to create a new civilization with a perfect culture and perfect beings. 'Course, you'd have to take out the old one to do that, but what's a few kingdoms and a couple hundred million people.
She set out on her goal to create her dream Utopia.
Lain died by a sneak attack from Yun.

Birth Name: Something only a god can pronounce.
Birthplace: Somewhere in the celestial realm.
Wing was born of a minor god father and some other being of near or equal power when they decided to have a nice little fling.
He was born while they were just hangin' and they decided to leave him just hangin' while they went somewhere else.
From that moment on he knew his life was just 'well bother'.

As Wing was growing up some of the gods saw a power within him. They weren't quite sure what it was, so they took him to the head gods. (You all know who they are.)
They took one look at him and were like "Well, isn't he just special. We'll just have to give him two different titles. 'cause you know, he just seems to be that bored."
Thus Wing was dubbed the god of Desire and Illusions.

While we're on the track of desire....
Wing sensed Lain's desire for a Utopia and was drawn to it. He approached and spoke to her about it and agreed to help her achieve it. He did it because it was part of his job... this was the original reason for joining. Wing eventually fell in love with Lain, though his feelings were never fully returned, and he continued to dedicate himself to her cause. Even after her death, he tried to preserve her ideals as they continued on.

Wing has the ability to use the power of illusion. Wether it be the image of your dead mother, or the convincing thought that your in excruciating pain. How effective this magic is depends on wether you let your mind believe it. It sounds simple, but it sure doesn't feel it when an illusions been casted on the only exit, laced with the imaginary feel of a brick wall.
Wing lived on after the days of the Eternal and eventually settled down with someone entirely unrelated and had six kids.

Birth name: Sakura Vinstaff
Birthplace: I honestly don't know, cause I really don't play this one.
Vinstaffs birth place may've been the deep dark depths of some dark place were evil is born.
Or maybe just a hospital with exorbantly large bills. I'm not sure which it worse.

The truth is that I don't have much say in her background, since it's Teresa's character.
Um... She's a vampire, and she was left by her fiancee who had a kid with someone else. Then he came back and had a kid with her, repeat process once, then return man to other woman. Proceed to get pissed and steal their younger child, a girl, and brainwash her to be your own. There, Vinstaff's romantic background summarized.

Vinstaffs original reasons for joining aren't clear to me, but it is clear that she stayed because she found a friend in Lain. Much similar for Wing's reasons for staying.

Vinstaff is the owner of a big corporation, with an army under her command.
She also leads an army of vampires under her command. Yes, the good guys are supposed to win against these guys.
On top of all these resources, she's also got the dark demonicly vampiric powers at her disposal.
Oooh, scary. I think I put to many adjectives there. I'd erase it, but then you'd never see me doing that.
When the Eternal fell, after way to long, Vinstaff was sent to a mental institution.But she was, later, considered cured and lives with her daughter, helping her son in law (formally her business rival, who gained her company after she was committed by marrying her daughter in return for giving her son a good retirement) run the company.

Yun (informally called Ferret by former allies)
Birthname:Yun Yuria
Birthplace: Naeeman (a bunch of caves along the beach)
Yun was born to a pretty mother who's name I've forgotten and the tribe leader, Yasha.
He lived a pretty normal life until humans tried to settle the island. Conflict began with the humans, though the leader was reluctant, and they tried to defend their land.
Eventually, even the leader agreed to fight them, and he never returned.
The humans won the conflict and the demonic tribe was kicked out.
Oh, yeah, I forgot to tell you he was a demon.

When most of the residence moved on to the islands down south his mother decided to stay there and wait for her husband to return. 'Course, he wasn't going to, so she was in for a long wait. A long time of people treating them like scum, of sticks and so much worse thrown at them, and of being scorned by the rest of the inhabitants.
Frankly, he got sick of it and left.
He went to the mainland down south and lived off the land, with a burrow in the ground. Like an animal he'd take whatever looked interesting from travelers and took it down to his lair.
One time it was a girl and a pair of golden boots. This is how he met significant people that aren't getting mentioned in this. They dubbed him Ferret, and some still call him that even after he became a bad guy.

Um...Need to make this shorter. A girl came from the future and he fell head over heals for her. Problem was that she was sent back to kill him. She didn't know he was the guy she was after, since he rarely uses speech and they were all calling him something else.
She fell for him and couldn't kill him. She was trying to kill him cause he was a big bad guy in her time, the big bad leader even.
So, when Lain came up to him and asked him to join naturally he said yes. See, he figured that if he became an evil bad guy through this group then she'd have to come back and kill him.

Mom mentioned that he could've learned from her and become a good man, but then she never would've come back and he never would've met her in the first place. And he wanted to meet her.
So, since she met him in the past, when she went back he quit being evil cold turkey to get with this girl.

He has the unique ability to acquire the skills of whatever he eats, provided he eats the right organ. For example; eating the brain of another to gain their genius.
He spends his life now living with the girl who is somewhat older now, and avoiding people pointing out he was an evil bad guy.

Double Scotch
Birth Name: Lex (oh my goodness let's glitch out and not let you read the rest, oh hohohohoho!)
Birthplace: Some gnome village.
He was born and raised like any gnome in a nice little gnome village. Gnomes aren't very big in this world, so they normally don't interact with other peoples.
They teach there children to till the earth and soak in the sun.

Lex was different. Lex didn't want to till the earth, he didn't even want the earth. He took joy in building metal things and working with the circuitry of machines.
His dream was to build a Giant Robot Army and take over the world. And he told his parents so.
Lain and Wing approached him one day about this goal. They could help him with funding, with materials, with designs. How could he refuse? So, he joined.
His army came in hand as they gained more power, and he loved every moment of it.
The only problem was that he had to stand behind a large screen when he was trying to look impressive. (Like the Wizard of Oz.) It's not easy being three feet tall.

In recent days, it is reported that he got married to a bear turned human and started a family of his own. But that doesn't stop him from trying to take over the world again.

Birth Name: Shilxis North
Birthplace: Northerland Capital, Royal Castle
Shilxis was born to a nomad mother and a Northerland prince.
His father became king shortly after and reigned for a while. His mother dies, he became moody and kicked his dad out, then he reigned for over four times as long.

Shilxis was king of Northerland longer then any other person, a grand total of 4500 years give or take.
His desire to become king and stay king was so strong that he threatened to have his father killed and looked for ways to indirectly get his son knocked off.
He was also very powerful and influential.
It was because of this that the Eternal approached him. At first he said no right out, but as they gained power he reconsidered and eventually joined them.
He helped them rule for a good long while with his power, until the final days of their glory.
When he was about to be captured by revolutionaries, he shot himself in the head and ended his tired long life.

On top of having a kingdom at his disposal, he also had an array of sword and earth based attacks.

Zone Shift
Birth name: Tiven Xentri
Birth place: Some other dimension.
absolutely nothing is known about Tiven's background. An absolute enigma.

Zone Shift was introduced to the Eternal through Wing, who met him when he accidentally got transported to another dimension with a couple good guys.
Zone Shift joined under the premises of learning more about the world, but his real intention was to conquer and eventually destroy.

He had the ability to summon things from other worlds, and to even go to other worlds himself.
He'd twist the inner space between worlds and tie the two together, sometimes resulting in their destruction.
Seeing this potential as a threat it was , ironically, Wing who secretly took him out....on a date. No! He killed him, his blood was all over the gods hands. Which is why he used Crystal soap. Makes you hair shine.

Birth name: Casca Lanadu
Birthplace: Secluded village in the mountains.
Casca lived in the mountains with her grandpa and a few others for the duration of her childhood. Little is known about her childhood, but it was clear that she spent a lot of it studying the way of martial arts.
She trained herself to inhuman levels, then set out to find herself.

It's not really said whether she found herself or not, but she did find the Eternal. After a few accidental run ins with them, she opened an ear to their cause and decided to join right in.
Little can be said about why she joined, or why she stayed after the death of their first leader.
It was known that most had their own agenda, but her's was never known.
Even when the Eternal were finally brought down, she just disappeared without a trace.
(Ending still inprogress and subject to change.)
Kittyhawk was the martial arts specialist of the group, she was the kinda person that could take out whole armies with her bare hands.

Birth Name: Well shucks I can't remember.
Birth place:A grand palace in the mountains, not too far from were Kittyhawk lives.
Skyfire was a phoenix in a humanoid like body. Or maybe he was a humanoid phoenix.
He lived in his castle with a court of servants. To tell you more would be to go into the phoenix king, which is based off of cloud formations.
The Eternal went to the mountain for one reason or another and decided to recruit this phoenix guy. He was all like "woot." And joined them.
I have no idea what he does during it, maybe he didn't do anything. That'd be very boring. Which might be the reason he left after the new leader (Yun) started really getting....problematic.
He joined the good guys for a while, but went back to his hidden location after things settled down.

Birthname:Mutated freak accident.
Birth place: Accidental chemical melting pot.
Once upon a time there was a girl. She was a happy girl that lived a happy life in her happy home. Then one day she was happily walking home from a happy day at something happy...
When a freak accident happened around her and her body was engulfed in a sea (or maybe just swamp) of toxic mutatable chemicals!
From that pool of mutated guck, came the body of the now dead girl brought to mutant life.

Mettalian was found by one of the Eternal somehow and they decided to put a little more research into it. It was all they could call it, the creature had no real form in the slightest and could even change color at will. It was really a puddle of mutation.
But this puddle learned to take shapes, starting small and eventually going to human shapes.
It had a conscience, and it knew who it was even if everyone else didn't know what.
It wanted blood, nothing more. It's voice was harsh and grainy.
And it loved being a part of their group.
Till the very end, all it wanted was to oppress, and to destroy those that opposed.

Mettalian could take any shape it wanted, and it took joy in the mockery of things people held dear. Since it had no real shape, you couldn't kill it.
It finally met it's end when one of the opposition shot it with a special bullet; which undid the mutation and reverted the body to it's former self. Mettalian ended at that moment, but the strain on the body had long since killed the original inhabitant. The body was now a lifeless shell.

Birth Name: Mikado Madoka
Birthplace: No frickin' clue.
Mika's family was normal. Normal in the sense that they had jobs and got along as well as anybody else and their brother. Their bodies were normal, their houses, their jobs. Mika was not.

The first unusual thing was that she wanted to be a singer. Like, really wanted to be one, not just want to be like her favorite idol. She wanted to see her name in lights. Not too unusual? Well...

She was telepathic. Strongly telepathic. She could pick up peoples thoughts. In fact, she could even manipulate them.
The Eternal saw this and were like "Hii, little girrrrl." They talked to her about it, about how she could make it so that others like her wouldn't have to go through being treated like they weren't...normal.

They even set her up as a singer. She became an instant hit, though some claim she made people like it.
whether that was true or not, she was using the music to send telepathic messages. There was an inner message in her songs that made people come to their side.
Through this method, public opinion was easily swayed.
Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk.

Thus ends my explanation of the Eternal. Take that mom.
Just as an extra, I'm gonna give a you part 2, right after these messages.

4000 years ago Recca burned most of my hair off. And I despaired for the time it took me to grow it back. Long hours and years I wept for it.
But that's because I didn't have Hair Grow!
Hair Grow,
for hair so fine.
It makes me not bald,
it makes my hair shine.
Hair Grow!
The markets been screaming for it. (Glinting Smile)

Once upon a time there was a Queen Bee....
Who would float far off to foreign countries.
And when she was there, she would greet the foreign Kings and Noble Dukes.
Then one day....
She was squished.
Which left us with all this bee hive.
Come to the beehive sale. We got Honeycomb honey, bee larva honey, worker bee honey, heck we're having an open house! Com'n over and dunk your head in.

Sick and tired of the old Kingdoms Applesauce? (Yah!)
Why not try Kiwi Land popsicles. (Cue party music)
They actually come in more then one flavor.
Corny Kids voice: Unripe flavor, Ripe flavored, and rotten flavored. (Mmmmm.)
And special edition Peach flavored? Wait, what? (Record zipping)
Oh, never mind. But just remember to use Dukes banana toothpaste.
(Lalala la la lalala la la lalala la la)

And now back to the show!

I'm gonna try to be brief, which may be kinda hard.
I'm gonna summarize a book I tried to write once. I might try it again sometime, but I still need to work out holes.
Since I'm way over due to let my sister on the compy I'll start now.

It starts with a dragon person, who leaves a baby on the doorstep of a bunch of nuns.
And the girl gets bigger and leaves for the city.
And then she met a a knight and gets set up with the king. Wait, king has a woman, she gets up with the prince.
Then they go out to a White Dragon Cave and the prince gets killed.
"Well sucks to be him." says the king.
Um... the knight lost his helmet and has to get another one.
The girl and the knight go back to the cave for some reason and the dragon says "Go over to this dragons cave. " And for some reason they do.
They get there and he's all pissed cause the knights-

OH! Out of time. Sorry, I'll have to tell you some other time.
Thank You for hangin' round this long and y'all can come round next time.
I'd say I'd see you, 'cept I can't see you. So let's all just wave bye to the screens and pretend we don't look like idiots.
(Is waving.)
Buh bye!