
Okay. So a blog is, like, this diary thing, or whatever. And people write in them, and there are lots of words. Normally. It's cold these days, which is why we have space heaters. Maybe I should aim one this-a-way, yah?

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Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Slow day's second cousin, Uninspired.

Today I can't think of anything. But I thought I might be long over due for a post.
As I was writing the title I thought 'Maybe I can seriously write about some world issue.', but I don't know anythin' 'bout that.

Just a bit ago, I was weighing through the options and thought up a few things.

Return of the Stereo-typical Princess gone Bad Guy.

The Epic Tale of That Sword of Truth and Good, (the one that got thrusted into Maleficent's chest.) that turned Evil by the pure Dark Energy of her Blood and...sweat?

The Grand Staff Legend of Colorful porportions.

But you wouldn't be interested in thoooose, so let's just get back in the boat and row back to nonsense. After all, it worked so well last time.

I just thought of something... I could review a book. Oh, joy!
Double Joy! Gaia's back up!
I'd love to stay and talk but- What? Oh, don't breath like that. Ooooh, please. Oh, all right.

I thought about doing a post on my in the works fighting style: Button Fu. Charming isn't it, and untidy t- Wait, that's the wrong quote!
I'd go more into it, but that would spoil the suprise for whenever I get around to it.

Other features that require a camera:
Photo Hunting: The Search for a Decent Picture of Mom.
Neo-masquarade: A look at the latest and most this yearly of halloween costumes.
That one might be a little more likely. (I might actually use that one for a title.)

I had something else in mind, but it's gone already. Ain't that always the way, you look at a flyer and the train leaves you. What flyer you ask? Why, the one in the sky... in a cape....stolen from an evil lord. (A girl one at that!)

You'll notice that making Key Words in a sentence Large, it adds a Dramatic Effect to the whole look. That's one reason Titles aren't Grammatically Correct.
(You'll notice my mouth isn't moving either.)

Oh, there's so much to do. But I can't think of anything at the moment.
And that's another twelves seconds wasted that I could've used to think of something. Oh well.
Last night I found myself staring straight at the light on the ceiling. The one that's barely hanging dangerously by some loose wires. I like the sound of wires. Not the object, the sound of the word.
Anyway, I was staring and I found myself looking into it. I knew it was bad for my eyes, but I stared anyway. I was all like 'Woooooah.' It was nuts. I think I was dazing-a- dozing.
I was watching a show with Dad earlier, it was like this old show that he watched as a kid. Which reminds me of last night. One of the girls I was talking too started talking about Kimba the White Lion.
Which makes me think of Snow White...... freakin' Disney.

Well, I'm sorry to say that I think I seriously am out of things for now. (At least without pulling out endless rambles and rants that would never end and accomplish no lasting point what so ever.) I think I just said something redundant to the side. Though your not supposed to talk about side things up front. Just a fine example of what the side thing was trying to point out.
In fact, I might just go back and make it a main point. I think I'll do that now.

(And suddenly, a man comes out with a death ray and obliterates her feet, thus sending her flying far over head and into the moons orbit.)

Hiiiii coooooww!

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Song birds doth sing not this song, but you should sing or hum to the tune of Love is Blue.

Moo, moo.
The cow goes moo.
Moo goes the cow,as he flies to the moon.

Neigh, neigh.
The horse goes neigh.
Neigh goes the horse as he eats the hay.

Beg, beg.
The man doth beg.
Beg goes the man with only one leg.
Sheen, sheen goes the cats fur.
Farmer Joe pets him and he starts to purr.

When he pets...
Oh, the wife she knows.
'cause the sheddings mess,
gradually it grows.

Black, black
the sheep I owned.
Fled with their fleece away from my home.

Gone, gone.
On the wind they blew.
Blew on the wind when I said Achoo.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

The face of Evil.

Today at dinner, I got into a discussion on the face of evil.
The stereo-type of what evil looks and acts like is cold, dark, and cruel. This may not be entirly off, but I beleive it to be far from acurate.

The face of evil would be light, happy, welcoming. Like a pretty package asking to be bought. but once you've brought it and brought it home you find the contents to be.. less then desirable. Or maybe their to desirable. The scent upon opening it could smell like a rich chocolate in the eyes of a small child, but you'll find it tastes like magots.
Yes, the face of evil is just this sort of thing. For that is it's ploy. To lull you in with empty promises, which all look so good on the outside. Remember, evil smiles.

Oh, does it smile. It smiles ever so sweetly, promising you pleasure and calling you it's best friend. Like an apple ridden with worms, the outside looks so sweet yet the inside is grusome. That's the nature of an evil grin. That's when you see the worms.

Not to say that good, shall we call it, is supposed to look dark and lonely. Just the opposite.
Good will try to invite you, with a happy glow. It will try to comfort you and make you feel at home. But evil tries to work in the same way.
Evil tries to disguise as good in order to affectively work against you.
You can never be to careful.

Once it's drawn you in, cue dark music, then the smiling stops. That's when the cold starts. Evil will look at you like a pathetic mutt on the road, and not even take the time to kick you. Unless, of course, your asking for help. Then they'll grind your head into the ground.
But, that aside. Evil will make you one of them, or leave you helpless in the cold.
Even when your in their magical floating castle, they're never really with you. They'll laugh with you in succes, then laugh at you in need. But who could you turn to now?

....... Sorry, just got onto the subject of evil at dinner.
It all started when my sister was talking about the stereo typical personality of someone who's cold. they aren't col for any reason, they just act like they don't like you because they can. like it's cool or something. As my sister put it, and I'm inclined to agree, anti social cold people are boring. They never interact with the rest of the cast, they never really get anything done, and half the time they unnecesarily power play. They don't even have a reason for being that way, they just are.
Cold, or seemingly cold, people aren't bad. Distant isn't bad. Cold and distant is logical even understandable. The last one is also accompanied by lonely or hurt, maybe both. These are all very different but very useful and logical traits.
But cold and mean is boring, over done, used up, not fun. Especially if every other person decides they have to be a cold and distant, but mad/sad at the world for no reason vampire.
But I digress.

It was this discussion, which my sister left after finishing, that got me started on what evil would look like. Otherwise known as the face of evil. I had a lot of religious tid bits come to mind, even though I was originaly thinking about roleplaying. But I digress from that too. In fact, I think I'll digress from using the word digress.

So, you are given the rant above. you are welcome to agree, or disagree. You can even argue a point, but don't get hostile about it.
Thank you for staying through my rant.