
Okay. So a blog is, like, this diary thing, or whatever. And people write in them, and there are lots of words. Normally. It's cold these days, which is why we have space heaters. Maybe I should aim one this-a-way, yah?

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Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Merriness abound, but I forgot my title idea.

Greetings all, and happy holidays from the Ghost of Pants-ly spirit.
Sorry to've taken so long to update. I've been doing a handful of stuff.

Offline, we've been painting the house. After that we had a holiday, now we're getting ready for this one. Suffice to say, it's got me a little behind on things. But I remain vigilant, if not active.
And I can see some of the readers have too, you know who you are.

Online I've been a little behind on my posting because I'm running a "Pants for the Poor" thing.
I'm spending my time and digi-gold on last Halloween's pants. Then I hand them out to new, pant-less people. Iiit'd make more sense to people on Gaia.

And you know what, I've got more planned then apology. I've prepared a little story for just this occasion.
But first, the story on how this story came to be.
One day, Victoria and I were sitting in the living room with a version of Little Red Riding Hood.
The story itself wasn't holding our attention, seeing as it was a children's book. But that fact never really came into play, seeing as how the book was in Spanish and we couldn't even read half of it.
Never the less, we had a ball of a time telling the story by picture. Through trial and error, we finally came out with a story.

Little Red Cape
Sadly, I couldn't find the book so I'll have to do it off of memory. And we all remember what happens when I tell stories off of memory. Except for me....Hmm.
But, back to the story...which I haven't started yet.

Little Red Cape
There once was a little girl, who's mother loved her very much. So much, in fact, that she decided to make her daughter a red cloak.
Now everyone saw this and thought it was adorable. So everyone started calling her Little Red Cape.
The girl abhorred this name, and burned the houses of everyone who called her it.

One day, Little Red Cape's mother asked her to take some bread to her grandmothers house.
"How many times have I told you, ma. My names Dorris!"
"Oh, don't be silly. Now take this to granny."
So Little Red Cape set off to bring her grandmother food. But not before setting fire to their house.

Further down the road, a wolf was hiding in the bushes. He sniffed the meal as she came up and walked out onto the road to greet her.
"Pardon me." He asked in his best bad British accent. "But would you mind sharing your picnic lunch with one such as me?"

She looked at him funny. Then she pulled a shot gun out of her cloak and shot the poor wolf...poor wolf. Let's all have a moment of silence for the poor wolf.
Then Little Red Cape took the fur of the wolf and dressed up as one herself.

She walked up to her grandma's house and knocked on the door.
"Who is it?" She heard a voice call back. She grinned and shifted her voice to the deepest she could make it.
"Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin." She said gruffly.
"Oh, mister Wolf!" Exclaimed her grandmother. "I was wondering when you might come by."
But when her grandmother opened the door, she did something so terrible that we had to blacken the screen and play Maxwell Silverhammer in the background.

After the musical interlude, Little Red Cape dressed as the wolf and in her grandmother's clothes for some reason was found lying in bed. Did that even make sense? Hm.
Then a handsome hunter came to the door.
"Mrs. Quebec?" He called.
"I'm right here!" She called in her most sounds-like-a-man-trying-to-sound-like-a-girl voice.
The hunter entered into the house and saw the wolf in the old woman's clothes.
"Ah!" He shrieked and started swishing his ax around. In his panic he sliced the bed, the clothes, the wolf-skin, and the fine basket of food.
Little Red Cape was now exposed.

She smiled sheepishly and ran up to him. Her look was now surprisingly alluring. He looked at her funny.
Then, suddenly, without warning, and with a basket full of other dramatic starters, another person came in the door.
I looked just like Little Red Cape, right down to the cloak itself.
She looked shocked at the person, then finally got the words out of her mouth.
"Ceaser?" She interjected. "What did I say about wearing my clothes."

The hunter smiled lovingly and walked up to Ceaser.
"Ceaser, my love. I was afraid something had happened to you. Perhaps this doppleganging witch had..."
"Oh, don't worry about her, handsome. That's just creepy old twin."
Then Ceaser gave Little Red Cape a warning glance and spoke in a most threatening tone.
"If you ever come near my man again..."

Unfourtunately the sound cut out at just that point and the rest of the message was indecipherable.
But visual remained and revealed the agonizing sight of Ceaser walking out the door with the handsome young hunter. The was so much that Little Red Cape turned to dust, leaving a single tear behind.

There was also a copy of the Emporor's New Clothes, but that wasn't so much fun.

In other news, I'm working on the script for a comic I was gonna work on with earlier mentioned Vicky.

I had a cool idea for what to end this with. It had to do with the title. But I plum forgot what it was. Till next time.