
Okay. So a blog is, like, this diary thing, or whatever. And people write in them, and there are lots of words. Normally. It's cold these days, which is why we have space heaters. Maybe I should aim one this-a-way, yah?

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Read blog, learn

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Yah, so you know what? I'm really hyped up on sugar, and I should really be going to bed, and I typed slower then I talk right now.

And Happy V-Day, I guess! And I probably shouldn't have exclaimed I guess, 'cause I indicates that you don't feel strongly about it. But the exclamation point does.
And I'm not sure if I'll remember what I was like later. I mean what I was like now. I mean, whatever. Oh, well!

Soooooo, um........
I can't think of too much else. But it's, like, Valentines Day and I had some candy. So now I'm all hyped up! But that doesn't matter. And normally V-Day means nothing to me, but this year is different.
And on Gaia a bunch of people are giving stuff to each other so it puts a better light on pink. I was wondering if I'd put something up already, but I'll get back to that later.

So, my mom told me to wind down and go to bed. But I can't sleep. And she'll know I was on the compy in the middle of the night, which is bad. But, oh well!

And I'm not sure if I've told you about Al Zuchini. Yah, I totally misspelled Zucchini. Misspell has a bunch of double letters.
Oh my gosh, the others aren't shutting up! They should be sleeping, maybe I should bang on their door. Okay, let's go do that.

Okay, so I did. And now my hand hurts 'cause I hit it on something on the way there. And Vicky has a nice picture of a mountain next to a lovely tree in her room. And I bought a nice painting.
But, anyway back to Al.

Al Zuchini is an average guy that might end up in one of those half-interesting shows shown on channels made by big name movie companies. Okay, that may've been a run on sentence.

You wouldn't believe all the inward and vocal giggling your missing on this end.
And I think I might be talking fast. In here, in my head... with the lettuce. Um, I'm learning to drive. Then I can master horn killing too!

Soooo. Al has this friend called SanAntonio Mongolia Domingo, the greatest Highway Man of his time. Too bad his time doesn't have much of a market for them.
He has a Trusty Assistant, Rei...or Raye...or...Rye? No, I think that's a grain.
Dry? No that's what you do with oil and a stove. Fry? What a bird does of course.

Um, anyway. I've said that a lot lately, but that's besides the point.
Al Zuchini has another friend, SomeGurl. This is the female friend. Al Zuchini, SanAntonio, and SomeGurl like to hang out in a place called The Closet.

Al Zuchini has a brother, Nonexistant. Likewise, SomeGurl has a sister named An Noying. I just came up with that one today. Before the sugar hype.

I think I might be thinking a bit clearer. Can I sleep? ............. Nope.

Along with friends and siblings comes the crush, Crushed Ice. He's totally crushing on her. Pun completely intended.
But along with a love comes a rival, Archie Nemesis.

And that's about all there is too it.
I probably should stop here before I rattle off something even worse... then my grammar.
So, I'll sign off here and let you all have a good and restful night...unless it's day there in which I wish you a lovely day.
Happy Whatever Day to you all, and may we meet again on less hyper terms.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

And to think I wanted to pull out some old poem.

Sooo, I was thinking of something. Or at least I thought I was.... Have you ever noticed that I tip the chair when I type? I hate that, I hate tipped chairs.
Have you ever felt that way?
Anyway, I was..Um, one moment.
Mom, do you have any more of that pudding?

Um....where was I? I forgot the point that I was making. I said if I was smart I'd buy a piece of string and a rock to wind the string around. 'Cause Everybody wants a rock to wind the string around.
Um, that aside. I still haven't found the topic. Maybe I'll just....wander off and find it.

Oh, Flashback time!
Doooooooo you remember that silly old poem.
The lines the waxed off so bold.
I-.......f seen that smile somewhere before.
I've heard that voice before.
It seems I've...sung this song before.
Sometime, who can be certain where.
But what I'd written there.
It's strange I can't remember the window, the window, the second story window.

So, who all thinks we've had to many song parodies. Who all recognized all the song parodies?
Of course not, no one. You couldn't hear it.
Beethoven could only be so lucky.
Actually, I'm sorry I just said that. That's a very sad thing to lose. If I lost it I'd, sad.
Let's all have a moment of silence for Beethoven's hearing.
................................................................................................. ah cough..........
Um, you...did know what that was about, right?

Livingston, we've had a breakthrough. I may've just thought of the point of this expedition.
You did know we were on an expedition, right?
Oh'p, groove broken.

Anyway, if you will come with me you will see a glimpse of the elusive "Real Log Entry".
These creatures lurk about in the shadows of otherwise normal rants. Waiting to leap out into the blog and throw everything off course.

"Tonight we eat Lasagna."

Oh, there it goes! Did you see it, Winston? Mm, the glory. Mm, the mystery. Mm, the pasta.
Well, I'm hungry.
Shall we continue the search then? Ah, good.

Oh, dear me. I seem to've been distracted by the creepy/cool episode blaring from the Television Screen.
This search seems to've gotten worse and worse.
And now we're lost in the jungle running for our lives. Well, no. I don't know what from. But we're running anyway.

Picture this:
A deep, lush, green jungle teaming with life and begging to be explored.
But that's just the shell. The true nature of it is a wild....
Okay, I lost it. I think I may've been talking about the city anyway. Or pasta... Mmmmmmm.

How much more, Winston? How much more can you take?
"About twenty pounds, sir!"
Veddy good. Pick up that rock there, it looks glittery.

And deep beneath was a shining light that glowed with radiance. Such a glow it was that the very sun was blocked out by- wait, the sun is always blocked here.
Anyway, back to the light.
It glowed and it showed a glittering path.
Then a beast came out all filled with wraith.
The doctor ran, fast as he could.
He knew the danger, and knew he should.

Then all at once it came in a flash.
Hit in the middle of his wild mad dash.
He felt it within, he knew it was there.
The feeling overwhelming, he scarcely could bear.

He'd found the lost treasure, the secret tribes gold.
He'd found the old art practiced since days of old.
And then he remembered his great reason for coming.
Amongst the grime that left him blind and all it's dull humming.

This song since past had found at last the way into his heart,
so he left the jungle and it's dull rumble to practice that old art.
But what of those, do you suppose, left with that hungry beast?
May they find it in them to survive on their own lyrical feast.