
Okay. So a blog is, like, this diary thing, or whatever. And people write in them, and there are lots of words. Normally. It's cold these days, which is why we have space heaters. Maybe I should aim one this-a-way, yah?

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Read blog, learn

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

I realize now that I haven't made a post for exactly a month.

Not very good for a weekly instalment... Is that the right word?
Speaking of words, I was working on a song. You know, the kind that float around in your head and then you finally half finish 'em three years later? Yah, that kind.

So, since my well of random topics (brought to you by the same kind of thinking that made Random Word Generator) is currently dry I thought I might show you a work in progress.

What's that kid? Why no. I was not about to write a run on sentence. That was grammar evolution, and you can take that to your school.

Now, back on topic, I was fiddling around with some rhymes in hope of filling in the blanks. And I came up with some pretty odd stuff. Thought I might share some of it.

So, here it is. Work in progress complete with sloppily patched holes.
See it now. The room goes dark, the crowd grows quiet, the curtain rises.......

In all my life
you've been my dear salvation.
Through all my life
you'll be the inspiration.
Through all of time
I'll conquer every nation.
And if that's all right
then I'll be along with you.

When times are bright
I'll hold you to your glory.
And when we fight
I'll listen to your story.
If you get a cat
I promise not to eat it.
What you think if that?
'Cause I'm that attached to you.

Even if you move away I'll still stalk your window.
Even if you smell like hay I'm moved by your moving voice.

Repeat the first verse.
Only slightly higher tone now.
Oh, this song could be worse,
though I can't really think how.
Oh, I could go on.
And I'd drag it on forever.
'cause I'm still a pawn
of my endless love for you.

And that's roughly the rhythm and length of it. Granted the words will be different in the final version, but the basic meaning is still kept the same.

What's that small child? No, you may not throw tomatoes at the screen. Why?! Because there is no screen.
Wait, what?........ I've just been informed that I am, in fact, looking at a screen. We apologize for any misinformation. And if this is your small child then we apologize for dangling her over a hungry Siberian Tiger.
.......... adios.

The Establishment that makes Long Posts apologizes for the mediocre-niss of this here post in question.
They would also like it to be known that they have been sacked by the Foundation for Proper Words for using the word "mediocre-niss".