
Okay. So a blog is, like, this diary thing, or whatever. And people write in them, and there are lots of words. Normally. It's cold these days, which is why we have space heaters. Maybe I should aim one this-a-way, yah?

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Read blog, learn

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Sorry, no title today.

And there isn't a joke either, just a zoo. A zoo in our tree. I checked, just yesterday. Theirs at least 5 different animals in our Christmas Tree. I shall count them out for you.

1 Monkey in a Christmas Tree.

2 P0ssums and a Monkey in our Christmas Tree.

At least 3 mice, 2 possums, and a monkey in our Christmas tree.

This is getting a little redundant.

Some strange marsupial!
A single painted coony!
One snake of beads, half a dozen snowmen!
Another beaded owl!
A single plastic rabbit! (Rabbits are soft.)

Dragon flies, M&Ms, large red birds, a couple old fat elves. And some miscellanea with the stuffed monkey.
I say, that's the sound of the rabbit eating boxes. Dreaaa...

Other things of note are the angels, bears, deer, some nesting bird, and the Snowmosapiens. (Snowmosapiens are almost identical to Snowmen, except for a slight difference in the working of their brain waves. They wished the distinction to be made.)

Have you ever noticed how most angels in merchandise are female, but every single angel in the Bible is a man?....... Maybe the media is trying to appeal to the cross dressing crowd.

On Gaia, the website I frequent, Santa had his brain switched with a cow. Now after careful consideration and examination of the facts we've come to the conclusion that- What? No, I have not ended... yet.
We have decided that since everyone is referring to him as a cow and not a bull (and because bulls on that site look evil, Santa-cow does not) Santa must be switched with female bovine.

Shoot, I forgot to mention the mini-demons on our tree. Reflective images of evil long gone... Well, actually, the demons are still around, and aren't even paying rent yet.
We also have a Jewish mouse (Fivel) on our Christmas Tree. Mom thought that was kinda ironic.

Well, it's a little shorter then usual, but I think that's all we're gonna get for now. Have a Merry Christmas everyone! Or a Happy Celebrate-o-ween, or whatever you may celebrate. And if you don't, I hope you can take advantage of some nice sales.
I thought I saw another animal, but it turned out to be the monkeys feet again! Did I mention the monkey started it all?

Bonus story!
Once upon a time, there was a big windstorm. It rocked and rolled the surrounding area and brought trees to their knees. Well, trees don't actually have knees, I know, but still. Trees were downed all over the place. In the rodes, in the rivers, on peoples roofs.
Then one man, feeling particularly exasperated, decided to do something silly with the tree top on his roof. He brought it down, stood it up with something, and called it a tree. He snickered at the sight of it and started putting broken pieces of his property on it.

A while later the tree stood in his yard covered in glittery things like the pieces of his broken window. (Broken by the fall of the tree.) The neighbors, who came out luckier then he, came round and saw his tree. They smiled too. Then they all decided to... So help me, it's Christmas their gotta be something corny. They all got some of their food and placed it under the tree for the guy. So, when he came out the next morning (Enter shining smile)- CUT!

Long story short, they all thought it was kinda cool and decided to do it again next year. They all did it, they cut down the forest to do it! When their relations came over they heard the sappy story and they decided to do it. And that's how we got the Christmas Tree.
Happy Consecutive Holidays!

Thursday, December 07, 2006

You know all those people who make web-comics and end up stopping for college? I'm beginning to understand why.

It was a week before Christmas.
Not a creature was stirring.
No carols were sung, not a kitten was purring.
Any motion, any breath, was, in a nut, vague.
In fact it seemed the lot of them had come down with... a plague.

Dashing through the slough came a man with a needed cure.
The wind blew in his hair, he felt so strong and sure.
But before he reached the victims and gave them that hopeful stew,
this man of such great confidence came down with the same said flu.

Ooooooh, they're living with bad hygiene.
Just like the work men of long ago.
Well, they can't change clothing, or bathe wholly.
Cause the water's sicker than you know.
Oh, they'll be having a Sad Christmas, and their future's not real bright.
Santa will be scared off with fright,
and this sickness is their personal blight.

Old King Thomason the rich, saw the suffering peasants.
He scoffed and snerked and closed the gates and called 'Get me a pheasant'.
Long nights there he locked himself and his friends together,
when one of them fell down still. Man, that seems a buuuummer.

(All the men are falling down, falling down, falling down. Build them up with iron bars. They couldn't hold them in glass jars. Build it up with silver coins; silver coins won't save your loins......)

What is this sickness laid to siege on this nation and it's people?
Will it come in sleep , or when they eat?
Will we watch these sheep just weep, oh?
Help, help they cry to the sky.
Can there be some hope, is the end so nigh?
Cough and wheeze does not please their souls.
They're not ready yet to behold him.....

Silent Night
Sorrowful Plight
All is lost, see your lights.
Round the square people lay down in place.
Not yet willing to see a friends face.
'Our lives were over at birth, this thing just got to us first'.

Then out from the fields there arose such a clatter.
They all lifted heads for to see moving matter.
When covered in mud, with no real disgrace, came the wooden legged man with a gleaming bright face.
From the top of the hill, and bumping the walls, he came down before them with one simple.. fall.
Then out from his pocket, and more from his sack, he brought them that most wanted liquid-cure snack.

For he took some of the medicine, then he lied down in bed.
Then returned in a chopper borrowed from someone overhead.
Well, he landed in the river and scrapped mud on just for show,
then he gave much of the cure to the people down below.

"Joy to the world, our king is dead. He was fat and over-fed!"
Who will these poor men crown with their former king downed?
"Why we'll crown a random girl!" And they crowned a random girl.
And that's how I got to be the Queen of Pearls!