
Okay. So a blog is, like, this diary thing, or whatever. And people write in them, and there are lots of words. Normally. It's cold these days, which is why we have space heaters. Maybe I should aim one this-a-way, yah?

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Location: The town I live in, which exists in my home country., United States

Read blog, learn

Saturday, June 30, 2007


Ladies and gentlemen, the next installment of the Mary-Sue Project has been set back due to weather, a lack of ties at this event, and probably also for the same reason Harry Potter became a summer movie instead of Christmas. Instead, I 'd like to direct you to the little diversion up there ^^^ Click^^^ whilst we hire another script writer.

Note to self, sleep before typing, you'll be more efficient.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Intermission! (Drivers are Lemmings and Sheep)

Okay, just so you know, I'm between classes and I haven't slept yet. Gyeh he, or whatever that is. Blaaaaargh-a.

Hem hem. I would like to propose the idea that drivers are like sheep, and lemmings. One goes one direction, and they all follow off a cliff. Yaaaaaaaagh ker-splat! (Darn, I told me self no more Disney.)
Here's how the theory works. One driver sits behind another at a stop light. For whatever reason, the driver up front moves forward three and a half inches. The driver behind sees movement and, even though they're obviously not going anywhere, they also move forward three and a half inches.
I would like you to imagine this with an accent that rolls the word "three", by the way. And nothing but the word "three".

See how the driver moves, so carefully creeping forward into the lane full of speeding cars. He obviously trusts his so-and-so many ton piece of metal to keep him safe from the other tons of metal, all going thirty miles faster. The driver behind will see the creep and, not wanting lose a mile, will take the inch. Thus, the entire line does this until some maniac in the back thinks it's time to go forward and they all rush forward and a screeching- that's the sound effect, not the adjective -way-to-fast-for-a-red-light miles per hour. Okay, so maybe that last part was docu-drama.

At any rate, it is a fact that if the person at front creeps forward for whatever reason (dozed off, hitting brake in time to music, or maybe to squish a bug- poor bug) the people behind will always follow, filling up the inches in between. Person they are doing this subconsciously in order to aid their car-addicted society. If everyone sardines just close enough we'll all surely have room for every mother's child, and some of the father's too, to be on the road. In this way, we can all be car-addicted together.

Ka-hurm, hrmph!
Hm, I feel like I had a much more important side note to make, like it was the moral and backbone of the whole story. Never mind that this post actually wasn't a story. Anyway. I forgot it, maybe it's in the mail... like that egg..... Mmm, fried egg.