
Okay. So a blog is, like, this diary thing, or whatever. And people write in them, and there are lots of words. Normally. It's cold these days, which is why we have space heaters. Maybe I should aim one this-a-way, yah?

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Location: The town I live in, which exists in my home country., United States

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Wednesday, January 07, 2009

YouTube Ate Me (and titles go in all-caps)

"So, where've you been Kelly!"
What, I'm not Kelly! Kelly's a boys name. At least it is in the UK, where that tiny little Barbie is known as Shelly. The first time I saw that I had no idea why the cloths said Shelly on the back. I thought Toys R Us was selling a weird off-brand.

"Well, enough about you Kelly."
I told you, my name's not Kelly. Kelly is a boys name, and I'm clearly a girl. Never mind the fact that I'm speaking in a girl-pretending-to-be-a-guy-with-a-mock-British-accent voice. Good great goshness and all that. Cherio. That's what I want for breakfast. Cherrios.

I'm hungry, dang it. And what've I told me about writing when I'm hungry! Well, actually nothing. But that's entirely besides the point! What've you been up to, also not Kelly?

"Oh, I just had a life altering event that you can't follow..."
I can't swallow. I could follow it, you see. But I can't swallow it.
"No, Kelly. You can't follow."
Are you saying I can't handle it? Is it TOO MUCH for me?! Is that it!? Huh, huh, HuuuuUUUUUHHHHH?!!!

"You should go eat if your hungry."
You're right.....

Wait, does that mean that the intermission is out to save something? Or maybe it's in the middle of something? Like inter-mission. The middle of the mission. In the middle of the mission they took a break. Yeah.


Kevin: Jessie.... when're we gonna be a chums again?
Jessie: I'd say when the I wins the girl.
Jessie rides off on his too-cool-for-you motorcycle.
Narrator: In a place where a couple guys lived.

Kevin lies in bed.
Kevin: Deity..... If you really give a care.
Narrator: In time of something lacked hope.
Kevin: Maybe you could help us forget the girl a little.
Narrator: ....... I forgot my lines......
Kevin: I'd really like.... to be a chums again.

Sports announcer on a mike: Modern and fantasy collide, and the plot is blown!
Enter the music they use in every Aristocats commercial.

Guy in fantasy garb: Just call me Alison!
Kevin stares.
Alison: No believes that's my real name but you.
Announcer: (Tone of disbeleif) How did he get here!

Kevin talks to Gary.
Kevin: This guy came out of nowhere and he picked up somebody's car.
Gary: Great a psycho-guy!

Jessie in a well-dressed room, talking to a girl.
Jessie: I felt some kind of power coming from somewhere. It must've been that shiny thing I found inside that cave.
Narrator: Oh, yeah! They give the world...."
Alison flashes a debonaur smile while riding a bicycle...
Narrator: Something to believe in....
and he crashes into a lamp-post.
Narrator: Or laugh at.

A crowd of people sit in assembly in front of a well dressed Jessie, who stands on a stage.
Jessie: You can call it magic...
Alison: I won't work for anyone but a certain Evil Lord.
Jessie: You can call it strength...
Gary: That goes for me too.
Jessie: You can call it whatever you like.
Kevin: Wait, what?

A guy and a girl stand outside on the street.
Guy: We need some kind of clue.
Girl: I'll go ask that guy, okay? (pointing to Kevin)

Dramitic words come flying out of nowhere with a dramatic pounding and that music from the Narnia commercials, completely overtaking Everybody Wants To Be A Cat.

Blog: The Movie

Commercial end

Bawhahah-hoho. BWaaaaaa!
"Oh, knock it off, Kelly. What is it?"
Sniff. We don't have any Cherrios. I had to eat Rice Che-he-he-he-hex! Ah-ha-ha. (PS, the crying not laughter.) Boohoohoohoo.
"Oh, stop it! You're making my mock-British accent thicker. I can't stand it when you get this way."
And I can't stand it when you call me Kelly. If you call me Kelly again, I'm gonna have to do something painful to you.
"Kelly." She said with a flat tone and annoyed expression, as she shot me de-


This blog is brought to you by- Oh, shoot. I'm running late!