
Okay. So a blog is, like, this diary thing, or whatever. And people write in them, and there are lots of words. Normally. It's cold these days, which is why we have space heaters. Maybe I should aim one this-a-way, yah?

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Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Spontaneity (the truth in conversation)

I bring the worst of the worst of all things This Writer of The Blog. That Most Disgusting and Primal of writing: Instant Messaging.
(Co-written by Teresa of T-Zone negligence, without her knowledge.)

Rebecca : You'd think zombie would be a little more, well, rotten. Are you sure it's not more Vampire?
Teresa: I guess you're a Vampire.
Rebecca : lol
Rebecca : I'm typing lol. I'm typing, but I'm not laughing. [ ]
Rebecca : lim [Laugh In Mind, a term that I didn’t come up with. A friend of a friend, who’s also a friend, did.]
Teresa: Ah.
Rebecca : Yup....
Rebecca : lipsmack.
Teresa: O.o
Rebecca : I'm sitting here silently, feeling like I'm in the middle of a satisfied pause after a good, long conversation.
Rebecca : Doing the whole lipsmacking thing.
Rebecca : Grinning goofily, listening to the Mid-West music in my head.
Rebecca : It's kinda hillbilly.
Rebecca : And yet more akin to country, and little bit like Spaghetti Western.
Teresa: >.> ...Are you...a nutcase?
Rebecca : No, I'm a Rockbiter!
Teresa: A Rockbiter?!
Rebecca : But, wait.... am I a Rockbiting Vampire now?
Rebecca : Nooooooo!
Rebecca : Nooooooo!
Rebecca : Noooooooo!
Rebecca : I dropped my ice.....
Teresa: XDDD
Rebecca : Susss.
Teresa: Hm?
Rebecca : You need to answer the species question.
Rebecca : I'm so confused.
Rebecca : Self-unidentified.
Rebecca : I can't continue on like this! Can't you understand!
Teresa: I're...a Becca.
Rebecca : And that's a species now...
Teresa: It is. It's an alien.
Rebecca : The allmighty... Becca.
Rebecca : Oh, an alien.
Teresa: Yes.
Rebecca : ...From what planet?
Teresa: Beccaisms.
Teresa: No, wait!
Teresa: You're a Beccaism from the planet Becca!
Rebecca : Beccaism is a species?
Rebecca : Beccabrainanism?
Teresa: XD
Teresa: LOL!
Rebecca : For reals?
Rebecca : Me too! Lolling!
Teresa: XD
Rebecca : So, what do they on Planet Beccasm - Wait, that name sounds questionable.. - Beccabrainaism?
Rebecca : Mastodons?
Teresa: I...don't know.
Teresa: You tell me.
Rebecca : Hairy Mammoths?
Rebecca : They probably draw cave drawings too.
Rebecca : Of all them Vermicious K’nids.
Rebecca : Or the Lix.....
Teresa: Hm. Lixx.
Teresa: Nasty group
Rebecca : Masterhope, no! Stay away!
Teresa: o.o
Rebecca : It's trying to sell me porn, you know.
Rebecca : But, I won't have it. It's got no flavor.
Teresa: O.o Oh...
Rebecca : Now who told you that you could spell Lix with two Xx's.
Teresa: I like it that way. XD
Rebecca : Why?
Rebecca : Does the second x (sultry voice, that I don't actually have) empower you?
Teresa: XD

Enter a long pause.

Rebecca : Which seems to be pretty normal for IM conversations. It's amazing how we can be talking about something, leave for 15-20 mins, and pick right back up where we left off.
Rebecca : Simply stunning.
Rebecca : And yet we don't even think a second thought about, except for me right now.
Rebecca : As opposed to me right later, when I won't think about it anymore.
Rebecca : We, or I rather, can talk about this for a good half hour and then we'll go right back to the other thing, simply by scrolling up.
Rebecca : I wonder who invented scrolling up?
Rebecca : I wonder why my brain starts think in bad British-impersonation accents when I start rambling like this?
Rebecca : Do you ever think in bad British-impersonation accents?
Teresa: Nope.
Rebecca : Never?
Teresa: Nope.
Rebecca : Well bollocks to you.
Rebecca : (Incidentally, Bollocks comes from an Anglo-Saxon word meaning testicles, so it may not be in proper form to use from now on, hm?.....)
Teresa: O.o
Teresa: Ew.
Rebecca : Yah...
Teresa: Ewwwwwwwwwww.
Rebecca : Actually, Prick is also slang for the same thing, so I should probably refrain from that from now on.
Rebecca : Ah, yes. The harsh truth about slang.
Rebecca : But enough of such trivial, yet disgusting, things.
Rebecca : Let us dance, DANCE!
Teresa: O.O
Rebecca : (Enter the waltz, which I'm doing alone.)
Teresa: *turns on music*
Rebecca : Wah! You can't do that, I was singing some- wait, is it for the dance, or are you just tuning it out?
Teresa: The dance.
Rebecca : What song?
Rebecca : Or, speaking in time, What song-a?
Teresa: "Can I have this dance", from HSM3. XD
Rebecca : Ner!
Teresa: Fine.
Rebecca : I hardly even remember that one.
Teresa: Dance to this. XD
Rebecca : I don't think you can do the Waltz to that one. Or even the Salsa.
Teresa: XD
You have received 1 file from Teresa.
Loves Me Not - Tatu.wav

Rebecca : Maybe a Waltz on highspeed. (Is that even a Waltz anymore?)
Rebecca : Nope, doesn't count right.
Rebecca : It'll have to be the Macarena. You can do the Macarena to anything.
Rebecca : Even the Barnie song ("I love you"). Try it.
Rebecca : If you time it right, you can do the hugging during the hugging line.
Rebecca : Maybe.

(Another pause....)

Rebecca : Are you actually doing it?
Teresa: No.
Rebecca : Oh....
Rebecca : I was gonna put it on Youtube and everything....
Teresa: YOU do it and embarrass yourself.
Rebecca : Not until the Star-spangled Banner on the duck call is up.
Teresa: Eh.
Rebecca : Not your cup of tea?
Rebecca : (Darjeeling, darling?)

Rebecca : (And yet another pause.... Nooooooo! My Phoooooone!)

Teresa: Phone?
Rebecca : Yes, the one I dropped.
Rebecca : But, that's not important.
Teresa: You dropped it?
Rebecca : Oh, no! That's not important. Haha-ha-haha.
Teresa: ...
Rebecca : No it didn't smash into a million pieces. Pleasedon'ttelldad.
Teresa: O.o
Teresa: What?
(She comes down to check...)
Rebecca : I lied.
Teresa: Liar!
Teresa: Just like [Aaaactually this was a private joke.]
Rebecca : No, I declare a moratorium on all things related!
Rebecca : I thought we covered that back in slang!
Teresa: XD
Rebecca : It's surprisingly hard to keep the momentum going, you know? Maybe that's why there’s been more successful solo comedians. I mean, when was the last time you actually heard a decent comedy skit done by more than one parson.
Rebecca : Or a parson at all, for that matter.
Rebecca : Not to call us comedians, which is somewhat presumptuous. That would be assuming that we're funny.
Rebecca : And it's an awfully funny person who assumes his funny without outside input.

(Moooore Awkward Silence-Maaaaan!)

Teresa: I had nothing to say.
Teresa: Stop buzzing me.
Rebecca : You're killing the momentum.
Teresa: Eh. I think Spider Near is more interesting.
Rebecca : You're ruining the great big joke I have in store for you.
Teresa: Hm?
Rebecca : You wanna know?
Teresa: Sure
Rebecca : I'm gonna post this whooooole conversation on my blog!
Teresa: Really?
Rebecca : Bye!